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Is there a "gun collector's wall" mod somewhere?


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I've maxed out my character so I'm just playing through the various mods and amassing my collection of weapons. Which sort of reminds me...


Why isn't there a "gun wall" mod or did I just miss it?


You know the stereotypical "arsenal", where the guy opens this door and on every wall are these peg-holes with holders for every sort of guns, from LMGs to SMGs to Assault rifles, and ammo / grenades on the tables, and magazines...


In fact, one's in the Gun Runner's Vendortron booth. Except it's only for show.


What if it's like, well, "real"?


Take a player home, and add "display cases". Even a terminal where you don't have to place the guns by hand, but rather, just transfer the guns into the "collection" and it'll show up on the display case in the respective slots. You can even go up to individual weapons and look at the weapon and the attachments.


You can even make it a quest or many quests: collect all the SMGs, collection all the pistols, collect all the heavies, collect all the mods for weapon _____, and so on.


You can make it even a bit like New Vegas bounties, except it's about finding the guns, not finding the criminals.


Add a shooting gallery with "simulated enemies" and it'd be even better.


You can make it a special weapons merchant... competitors to Gun Runners, even. They are out to outdo the gun runners, and they want weapons to clone so you have to go out and get them. If you don't have a certain reputation or level you can't even get in.

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Underground hideout mod has a "gun collectors" wall. It also sorts out all of inventory into the containers(if you wish). But yes it has a wall in the armory section that allows to place your weapons up for display. There is also a trophy room area and a display area that allows you display the armors you've collected.


A great mod. With what you're looking for, and many other incredible features as well.


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