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Are mods less compatible now? CTDs every other mod


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at around Skyrim version 1.3 i had hundreds of mods running and only 1 or 2 CTDs.


now at version 1.5 a lot more mods especially new locations, homes, castle etc CTD either on menu or loading, i use and early save where nothing is explored except whiterun.


better villages which i really want loads but when i go to village and walk around......game crashes.


is this the fault of Bathesda with the new updates making most of the mods made with older patches incompatible?


ive even tried going back to Skyrim 1.42 but any location type mods crashes on load

Edited by mitzibishi
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  • 4 weeks later...

If you have "occasional CTD's", you probably have conflicting mods. Especially if you're running "hundreds". If your player homes are crashing your game now, you have conflicting mods. It's not necessarily the house mods, but something else you have installed previously that's conflicting. And there's a very good chance that whatever you have installed previously that's conflicting was already conflicting and you just didn't see any overt evidence of that. Time to prune your mods.


And I am not being judgmental or negative when I say this.. but if you have "hundreds" of mods, you're a compulsive mod user and need help. :) When adding mods to your game, you have to be discerning and nitpicky. You paid $60 for this game...why would you want to break it? And for the record, I had to put myself on a strict diet of no more than 100 mods. And most of those are texture/armor mods.


Seriously, though... I seriously doubt you can't live without each and every one of those mods. Do some house cleaning.



Go back and read the mod discussion threads. Look for the reports of people experiencing crashing. They usually say what other mods they're running with it.

Edited by eternalautumn
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But if you are running into CTDs on game load or leaving/entering a cell then may be running into the infamous NAVM bug ... for more on this suggest go to the Beth Forums and look in the CK section for a discussion on navmesh .. think on the 4th series right now but it will give you tons of info on what may be causing some of your issues ... also mod conflicts are a real problem also so concur need to look into that also.
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