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How do I find out what textures are used by an Object?


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So I have extracted the "Thief" Standing Stone object from the game, but am having trouble finding the associated textures.


Can anyone help me find out exactly what textures the game uses for "The Thief" standing stone?


Thank you.




Also, the Standing Stone object I took out was one from the loading screen sub-menu. Where can I find the one that is actually used in-game? I have a suspicion it might be a bit more hi-poly.



Thank you.

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NifSkope (1.1.0-rc4) - download link in my signature tutorial - video description. With this tool you can open NIF files and edit them, you just have to extract them from Skyrim - meshes.bsa using FO3ArchiveUtility.



Edited by ghosu
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Hi, I was already doing that, thank you though



When I open ThiefStone.nif from the powershrines folder, It opens in nifskope as a vertical pole, similar to the beam of light that the stone produces when you activate them.


This is instead of the actual stone itself, any help?



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Yeah, they use the same model for these stones, same UV map = same texture layout


I see.



So I also have the Dark Brotherhood door, and the one in the Falkreath Sanctuary has the door, a stone archway then a secondary stone archway. I'm wondering how I can find out what this second archway is as it isn't listed with the original door.



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