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Bloodskal Blade fix


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Ahaha nice penta-post !


What have you found by yourself ?




1. In the CK, check "DLC2Bloodskalblade"

2. Right click on it and do "duplicate"

3. Right click and do "Edit"

4. Look at Enchanting (no Enchantment), if you've done nothing you'll look the name "DLC2EnchbloodskalWeaponGlow", click on it and change to "None". Now your sword is totally unenchanted.

5. After this click on "Ok" and search "DLC2EnchbloodskalWeaponGlow", right click on it and "Duplicate", change the name like "DLC2EnchbloodskalWeaponGlow2" and get back to your "duplicate bloodskal blade", go to "Enchanting" and click for "DLC2EnchbloodskalWeaponGlow2".

(Bonus : 5-1. Go in "Keywords" (right of the window) and right click on "MagicDisallowEnchanting" and delete it, after that, you can enchant one more time your weapon. :smile:)

6. Click on "Ok" and save as a new .esp, give a name, drop in data and launch the game.

7. Go in the Console and search for your Bloodskal blade, get it by using console commands. :wink:



Do I have to delete the original data? And I can figure out how to get the new sword through commands, like what the ID should be?

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No no no don't delete the original data, it's why I said that you have to make a duplicate ! ;)


For the console, you have just to say "help (name of your blade) 4" and you should have an ID.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ahaha nice penta-post !


What have you found by yourself ?




1. In the CK, check "DLC2Bloodskalblade"

2. Right click on it and do "duplicate"

3. Right click and do "Edit"

4. Look at Enchanting (no Enchantment), if you've done nothing you'll look the name "DLC2EnchbloodskalWeaponGlow", click on it and change to "None". Now your sword is totally unenchanted.

5. After this click on "Ok" and search "DLC2EnchbloodskalWeaponGlow", right click on it and "Duplicate", change the name like "DLC2EnchbloodskalWeaponGlow2" and get back to your "duplicate bloodskal blade", go to "Enchanting" and click for "DLC2EnchbloodskalWeaponGlow2".

(Bonus : 5-1. Go in "Keywords" (right of the window) and right click on "MagicDisallowEnchanting" and delete it, after that, you can enchant one more time your weapon. :smile:)

6. Click on "Ok" and save as a new .esp, give a name, drop in data and launch the game.

7. Go in the Console and search for your Bloodskal blade, get it by using console commands. :wink:



How do I "search" for it though? I only know the original Bloodskal blade ID command.

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What did you mean by "searching it" ? Searching the id ? If it's that, run the CK, find your sword, it should be like "DLC2BloodskalbladeDUPLICATE001", you will find the new id on the right in the window ;)

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