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NPC Arena? Help


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Hey guys, just wondering how you would go about making an activator that spawns enemies at the press of the button every time, im looking forward to creating my on personal arena without the use of console commands... Would love some advice as to how i should go about creating this and by the way i have little scripting experience, so bear with me lol. Thanks
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My advice would be to teach yourself a bit more about scripting. This site is a good reference:




So you can check out all the different functions that you can use, etc.


scn Scriptname ;;;;the 'scn' command assigns the ID to the script, 'Scriptname'.


Begin onactivate ;;;the 'begin' command states when this script should run.


XmarkerREF.placeatme Enemy 1 ;;;you can place an xmarker and give it a unique ID, so this can be your spawn point. Then you use the placeatme function, which is self-explanatory, then state your object you want to place, using it's ID in the Geck "enemy", then you decide how many you want "1".


END ;;;end of Begin block (not end of script, as you can have multiple begin blocks in the same script.)


So if you attach this script to your activator, then every time you activate it, you will spawn your enemy at the xmarker.


But to save yourself a lot of roadblocks, try out some tutorials on scripting, before trying to attempt anything too complicated. It is really fun once you get the hang of it.

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but one problem, my script looks like this....




Begin onactivate

00markerspawnerREF.placeatme 00SpawningFiend 3



and the 00markerspawnerref is the reference editor ID of the x marker i placed in the cell, while the 00SpawningFiend is my enemies i want to appear and i want three of them to appear... Am i doing this correctly because when i try to save and exit it says "Do you want to save this script? Current = " so i know there is something wrong.... Please correct me i have scripted a couple of times and am starting to get the just of it.

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It may be to do with the zeros at the start of your ID names. I've never used zeros myself, so I don't know this for certain, but some have said that ID names can't start with zeros. So rename them, and use "aa" or something like that for a prefix, for everything, and see if that works.


Yes, if the script keeps asking you if you want to save, then the script has an error and so won't compile. Have you heard of the Geck Powerup mod? It adds warning messages to scripting, so you can see which line has the problem, etc.

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Dunno if this is the problem, but it happened to me once before...avoid naming your references with numbers. BAD idea. The syntax in the GECK's scripting doesn't seem to allow it, or read it. It will just spit you an error every time.


Rename your references to something beginning with a letter.

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I am pretty new to scripting. but I would assume that the "3" at the end of


00markerspawnerREF.placeatme 00SpawningFiend 3


would make it not work. I believe that only works on static objects. I think if you want 3 fiends to spawn you need 3 xmarker headings.


try saving it without the 3.

Edited by rotarydanimal
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