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Mage Guild in Skingrad is gone


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i installed the latest list of Bevi's list and on top of that i (tried to) install OOO.


When i enter the Mage Guild in Skingrad, everything falls into the void, there is absolutely no inner structure. All other buildings i entered so far were fine. How can i find out which mod, part of a mod or configuration causes this? How do i debug a missing guild? :D


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You can find out what mod that's causing this by loading mods, one by one, into TES4Edit and check for mods that edit the interior cell for the Mage's Guild in Skingrad.


Good tip! Did that and found some references, e.g. in OOO (SkingradMageGuildBasement). Should i deactivate that now and try if the bug is gone?

Doesnt that mess up my game? Or is it save if i dont load my original savegame? Sry, im kinda new to how mods work in Oblivion.


edit: if i search exactly SkingradMagesGuildBasement i get 3 references overall, oblivion, unofficial Patch and OOO. I uninstalled OOO, the guild works now. I want to use OOO though, and it isnt known for screwing up Skingrad Mages Guild, isnt it?


Is there some conflict? Can it be healed with a different load order?

Edited by eudelfeudel
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If you read back through the mod comments on Bevilex' modlist you'll see some discussion about the OOO problem (look back to Feb 10th to a post by EvilMV).

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Thanks, very good tip!


If anyone finds this thread with the same problem, this solved it for me: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2950184-oscuros-oblivion-overhaul-136/page-91&do=findComment&comment=57661486



In response to post #57659976.

taf4mopar wrote: Skingrad Mages Guild error is still happening. Just an FYI.

I believe the problem is with the esm. Easy fix. Open the esm in TES4Edit, navigate to Cell -> Block 9 -> sub-block 5 -> Skingrad Mages Guild. Righgt-click and delete. Leave the esp intact. The problem is that ESMs can't make changes to vanilla cells due to a engine bug. The esp needs to make the changes it does; an ESM should have nothing but new records.

That should fix the problem (untested). Report back if it does, please.


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