shuriken88 Posted April 12, 2012 Share Posted April 12, 2012 I'll keep this as spoiler free as possible. A couple days ago I got to the stage where I'm supposed to go to a dwarven ruin. I get sent there by the college of Winterhold. When I finally arrive, I go through the 1st door to find nothing but a locked door, so I think "Hmm, theres gotta be a key around here somewhere". I look around for a few minutes in the tiny awning... Nothing interactive. I go back outside and re-check the "storeroom"... Nothing in there either. I go back to the College and ask around... Nobodies saying anything! This is starting to get annoying now. So I check around on the net for a hint on how the hell you get into this place, and it turns out theres supposed to be a guy in that first room, and he has a key. Well, when I go there, theres nobody but me. What am I supposed to do now? I cant continue because the guy I get the key from doesn't even seem to exist. Somebody help me out, I've been stuck at this point for over a day now and its starting to p*ss me off, plus, I've really been enjoying the Winterhold quests. Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xlcr Posted April 12, 2012 Share Posted April 12, 2012 (edited) hi shuriken88, i'll try to help, advancing thru quest 'Revealing the Unseen' involves some unfixed script bugs, kinda hard to tell exactly where you're at advancing thru this quest without knowing what your current journal stage entry is. hopefully you won't have to resort to setstage console commands.if you changed the game's timescale i'd suggest setting it back to default 20 (console, 'set timescale to 20'). Once at Mzulft you're supposed to search for the Synod researchers and eventually encounter Gavros Plinuius.My guess is you might need to engage Mirabelle in conversation 2 or 3 separate times to finally get the quest to advance properly regardless of what your journal says about proceeding to Mzulft.. Possible locked door key locations discussed here: Skyrim talk:Revealing the Unseen - a more/less accurate walkthru guide that needs to be redone here:Skyrim:Revealing the Unseen - Mzulft key should either be on a spider guardian, in a chest behind the spider guardian, or possibly on Synod researcher Gavros Plinuius. Edited April 12, 2012 by xlcr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shuriken88 Posted April 13, 2012 Author Share Posted April 13, 2012 Thanks for the reply! I'll try this RIGHT now, because I was really getting into this questline. I might not be a skilled mage, but I love how much more significant and meaningful the whole Winterhold story seems compared to the mages guild quests in Oblivion. I haven't changed the timescale BTW. Anyway, at the moment, my journal says "Locate synod researchers" or something to that affect. I just checked out those two links, but I've already been to those pages while scouring the net for details on anything related to "Revealing the unseen", "cant get into Mzulft" or "where is gavros plinuius". It seems everybody else is experiencing bugs or glitches AFTER they get into Mzulft, but I cant even get in there in the first place lol. Hopefully after I talk to Mirabelle a couple more times, Gav will appear. I'll keep my fingers crossed and post back when I've done it. Cheers Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shuriken88 Posted April 13, 2012 Author Share Posted April 13, 2012 No, it still isn't working. I tried speaking to Mirabelle about 5 more times, then went straight to Mzulft, but Gavros is still nowhere to be found. One thing that was strange is that when I ask Mirabelle "who are the synod", after shes finished, I dont get ALL of the options in the dialogue menu. The only thing I can choose is "who are the synod", but if I leave then talk to her again, I get the full list of things to say. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xlcr Posted April 14, 2012 Share Posted April 14, 2012 (edited) hi shuriken88, i admire your rpg determination and yes, this quest gets interesting once you get inside Mzulft lol.its been a long since my last playthru of that quest (completed twice), vaguely remember a fix involving multiple conversations w/mirabelle to get the quest to kick off properly.. try a test to see what happens, relocate yourself directly to Gavros Plinius (RefID 0001ED2F) using console command:player.moveto 0001ED2Fas you know, Gavros Plinius is supposed to be at the second interior door to Mzulft at this point in the Revealing quest. not sure if this will break your game; but, you can use this console command to get the key to access the Mzulft ruins..player.additem 0005DCB9 1 fyi, you should have completed quest 'Good Intentions' after completing all conversations with Arch-Mage Savos Aren, Psijic Order monk Quaranir, and the Augur of Dunlain before starting 'Revealing the Unseen'.. (heard about a rare bug involving Quaranir's frozen time effect messing up quest progression).have a feeling it might be best for you to revert back to a 'Good Intentions' savegame, redo it, save, exit game, reload, and then seek out Mirabelle. i'm hesitant to suggest using setstage fixes because it seems to make quest Revealing the Unseen even more buggy.. anyway, hope you update this space with your status.. curious to know if/how you solved it. Edited April 14, 2012 by xlcr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kove400 Posted April 14, 2012 Share Posted April 14, 2012 I am also having the same exact problem with this quest. I spoke to Mirabelle and she gives me the quest to find the ruins of Mzulft. One problem is that the quest marker does not even show on the map, and I have no way to find it but to search for it the hard way. I did find the ruins by some accident exploring and when I enter the quest log says "find Synod researchers". But nobody is in the room after the first door, and theres no way I can get the quest to update or work. Is there a way I can add the research log to my inventory and the key? Or is there a way to spawn Gavros Plinius so I can see him and loot him? This is very frustrating as I really wanted to finish the questline for the first time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xlcr Posted April 14, 2012 Share Posted April 14, 2012 (edited) hi kove400/shuriken88, for what it's worth.. To get around this bug, some people successfully got Gavros Plinius to locate in Mzulft and act out his part bydoing multiple attempts of reloading previous saves before entering Mzulft.Be sure you have your game timescale set to game default of 20.00 or more (console: set timescale to 20 ).You can check your current timescale setting using console command: help timescale .Anything other than 20.00 is known to occasionally cause various game timing/script errors. I do not think NPC Gavros Plinius is flagged essential before completing this quest so its possible he croaked somehow.Please try a moveto test to see what happens, relocate to Gavros Plinius location using console command: player.moveto 0001ED2Fthis will at least confirm if he still exists in the game and his location (might have gotten hung up somewhere).if this doesnt work, try commands:PRID 0001ED2F <enter>moveto player <enter> Also, be sure you completed all conversation dialog branches talking with Mirabelle; and, you should have completed quest 'Good Intentions' before proceeding with 'Revealing the Unseen'.fyi, incomplete autosave's, fast travelling, and time of day might also be causing quest update issues.Please update with your status and maybe we might try to safely respawn Gavros Plinius. Not sure if this will break quest progression; however, you can just forget about Gavros Plinius and try doing this:use console to get these items: Gavros Plinius Mzulft Key, Item ID 0005DCB9: player.additem 0005DCB9 1Gavros Plinius Research Log, Item ID: 00034CBC: player.additem 00034CBC 1(be sure to actually open the research log item in your inventory and read it, this might trigger the next quest stage). you can also face the locked door, console, click/target the locked door, type ' unlock ' <enter>. There seems to be specific quest stage journal entries #30/32(?): Mirabelle's suggestion, I entered the ruins of Mzulft searching for the Synod researchers. I found one man who died, and suggested that more people may be inside at something called The Oculory.I should head further into the ruins to see what's going on.(Objective is assigned): Reach the Oculory Hopefully when you add the key/journal to your inventory and unlock the door the quest will update normally (i hope).. Here are a few walkthru's on the internet (none shed any light on the bugs you're encountering unfortunately):Revealing the Unseen Video Walkthrough: the Unseen Game Guide w/pics: fyi, i'm on my 2nd playthru after failing to complete my 1st attempt because of multiple broken/unfixable quests.2nd playthru I strategically completed College of Winterhold & Companions quests first because these had a lot of bugs.just say'n.. Edited August 22, 2012 by xlcr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shuriken88 Posted April 17, 2012 Author Share Posted April 17, 2012 Sorry for the delay, I've been a bit busy the last couple of days. Anyway I tried a few more things, and I still haven't had any success yet. I tried teleporting myself to Gavros, but it just says something like "object not found", so I'm thinking the game hasn't even spawned him anywhere yet. I haven't tried moving him to MY position, but I dont think it will work because he doesn't exist yet in the first place. I also tried adding the key to my inventory using the console, and while I managed to FINALLY get through the door (and celebrated because of it LOL), it DID mess up the game like you said it could. What will happen is: You go through all of the dungeon (about 30-50 mins of exploring) until you get to another living researcher who's set up camp in a room near an exit that leads out onto the side of a mountain. First he mistakes you for Gavros, but once you try to talk to him, all he says is "Can I help you?" "Yes? What is it?" "Hmm?", and he's constantly in "alert" state or has his weapon/spell unsheathed. Obviously he's supposed to have some kind of conversation with you, but because I didn't actually find Gavros, I still had the "locate synod researchers" objective, and its probably impossible to be at this stage of the quest until you've completed that objective. Behind the man is another door which leads to the observatory, and this is where you cant continue, because the machine simply doesn't respond to anything you do. So to anybody who reads this, you probably shouldn't do what I did LOL! One thing I didn't try when I added the key, was also adding Gavros's Journal (I didn't know about that). I should've kept the save I used when going through Mzulft, but since I messed up my quest, I just saved over it. It doesn't matter though, I'll try going through again on a speed run, this time with the journal too, maybe it will work. The problem for me now, is that I REALLY cant go all the way back to the beginning of this quest (before we speak to the Psijic monk), because since I couldn't get into Mzulft, I've done a hell of a lot of other side quests, such as the Thalmor Party, the Red Eagle, and a lot of other stuff I cant remember, plus I've collected quite a few unique items and finally completed the Gauldur amulet. Thanks for the continued help, I really appreciate it. I hope I can eventually continue on this quest! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xlcr Posted April 17, 2012 Share Posted April 17, 2012 (edited) hi shuriken88, i just happened to be online and saw your 'player.moveto 0001ED2F' (which is the RefID) returns 'object not found'.. well that sucks! seems your game somehow removed or did not create an original Gavros Plinius since using the RefID does not work. out of curiousity, i tried using console command: help "Gavros Plinius" and got NPC_: (00034cb8) Gavros Plinius; which, is the BaseID because i already finished this quest and Gavros was removed from my game. try the same thing (help gavros) and see what ID your game search gives you. you can also try, PRID ID# <enter>, moveto player, then enable (if invisible) or resurrect (if dead).don't think spawning a new instance of named NPC Gavros Plinius in the Mzulft foyer area would do much good questwise but you can try:player.placeatme 00034cb8 (which is the BaseID of Gavros Plinius). at this point you can try brute force setstage commands and hope this moves scripted quest progression along.i have read using setstage commands to fix Revealing the Unseen doesn't work work well, but any chance, when you spawned the key into your inventory did you see a brief onscreen quest update? as noted before, here's a list of known quest stages: command is: setstage MG06 stage#guessing you've completed stage 20; so first, use console to get your current quest stage status 'getstage <quest ID>': getstage MG06then, i guess you could try to force completion using: setstage MG06 25watch your screen to see if a quest stage completed update alert appears when you do this. last resort, might be possible (knock on wood) to reset this entire quest using: resetquest MG06 Edited April 17, 2012 by xlcr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SubjectProphet Posted April 17, 2012 Share Posted April 17, 2012 You could try to spawn the key. The UESP wiki is helpful for item IDs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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