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Skyrim uses DX9.


I don't know anything about this, but looking in older threads, it's a almost a matter of making a new game.


I suppose the technologies are si advanced that a thing like MGE is not possible? Dunno.

Explain the DX10 files in the Skyrim folder.

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I didn't notice any DX10 stuff in the skyrim folder. Maybe I'm wrong.


I can only guess is there for future updates/DLCs.


Again, I'm not expert in that, but one thing i'm 100% sure is Skyrim runs in DX9.


I remember the very first version of FXAA injector. It came in 3 versions (d3d9, d9d10 and d3d11). But the author specified to only use d3d9 cause Skyrim isn't able to run DX10/11 stuff.

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I didn't notice any DX10 stuff in the skyrim folder. Maybe I'm wrong.


I can only guess is there for future updates/DLCs.


Again, I'm not expert in that, but one thing i'm 100% sure is Skyrim runs in DX9.


I remember the very first version of FXAA injector. It came in 3 versions (d3d9, d9d10 and d3d11). But the author specified to only use d3d9 cause Skyrim isn't able to run DX10/11 stuff.

There is even a bloody folder named "DX10".

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  • 11 months later...

If it is true that skyrim uses dx9, then you'll have to realize that dx9 is far different than dx10 and dx11.


First of all dx11 is only an expansion onto dx10.


Second dx10/11 use only buffers to store any mesh/texture information for rendering. Dx9 I suppose can, but down to the core, dx9 does not do this.

As well as far more suprior ways of rendering and different options dx9 doesn't. One of the biggest for example are geometry shaders, and with dx11 theres tesselation, multithreaded rendering, and compute shaders.


What I'm saying, if skyrim is dx9, the only way to get it to work with dx10/11 is to change the core of the game itself. Which wont happen unless bethseda does it theirself and release that as a dx10/11 patch like crysis 2.


Trust me I've been programming a rendering engine of my own with dx9-11. Sure going from dx10/11 to dx9 isn't hard, but the other way around is just crazy different.


Also, dx8 and dx9 are very similar. They do things in much the same way. dx9 and dx10/11 do things almost entirely DIFFERENT; It won't work the same just because dx8 and dx9 did.

Edited by xLetumx
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well, there's project parallax.

I know it's nothing near DX10/11, but at least it gives the texture department a significant upgrade.


All parts so far:







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