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How to attach menu art to a custom workshop formlist?

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So I've created a custom workshop menu (via a formlist, not keyword) and have injected it into vanilla with a script. The problem is that the category doesn't show up, because supposedly it needs a preview art. I know how to create the art, just not how to attach it to the formlist. I'm sure many people know how to do this so all help is appreciated!

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You add the art icon in the constructable object recipe that uses your form list. It’s in the upper left corner of the recipe window.


That's not quite what I meant. I want to add a preview art to the category itself, not to an object which is within that category. For example if you look at the vendors category, it has it's own unique icon (of a cash register) that is not used by any of the constructables. As it stands, my custom workshop category (which is a formlist containing various sub categories, also formlists) doesn't even show up in the workshop menu. I know my script is solid, and that the issue is that the formlists themselves need art. I just don't know how to attach the art to the formlist.

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Ok got ya sorry I misunderstood,


1. Create a keyword for your category,




2. create a new art icon using your .nif and add your custom keyword to it,




3. add that keyword to your recipe that uses your Form List.




That's how I did it with my injected menus.


Hope this helps


edit In my example screens the keyword give the menu icon and the art icon in the recipe give the individual object it's own icon, this was done because the object was too small. since your using a form list you don't need the recipe art icon just the keyword set up.

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Ok got ya sorry I misunderstood,


1. Create a keyword for your category,




2. create a new art icon using your .nif and add your custom keyword to it,




3. add that keyword to your recipe that uses your Form List.




That's how I did it with my injected menus.


Hope this helps


edit In my example screens the keyword give the menu icon and the art icon in the recipe give the individual object it's own icon, this was done because the object was too small. since your using a form list you don't need the recipe art icon just the keyword set up. Fir


First of all, thanks for taking the time and providing me w/ screenshots. It's very awesome of you.


When I follow your instructions to the letter this is what happens:


img here: https://i.imgur.com/nBCN8re.png


1. The workshops category shows the name of one of it's subcategories instead of the formlist's name.

2. The menu won't expand any won't let me build the items.


Edit - So I figured it out. When using a formlist, you gotta have the keyword you define (the one pointing to the menu art) as the first item on the formlist's list.

Edited by cyber94
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