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First Time Creation Kit User


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I've become inspired by the cool mods on the Nexus and have lots of ideas for making my own mods. The only problem is after downloading the Creation Kit, I have no idea how to use it. It does not seem to have anything in it. If I wanted to say, make a static object (such as a boat) portable, how would I use the Creation Kit to do that? Or if I wanted to upload my own music into a mod so it could be in the game how would I do that? I have lots of ideas but no understanding of how to make them happen in a mod.
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If I wanted to say, make a static object (such as a boat) portable

This is possible, but would be a very advanced project. Since it sounds like you have never loaded a file into the editor, work on covering all the basic tutorials on the CreationKit.com


I wanted to upload my own music into a mod so it could be in the game

Dont even try to upload a mod containing music unless you are the copyright holder of that music. Uploading copyright materials will earn you a ban.

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Start with the tutorial videos made by Bethesda, and keep a notebook or stack of sticky notes (I mean actual physical note-taking materials, not digital) nearby, so you can have these near your computer in the future.


Here's the link for the first in the series:


I've been a modder for ages and I still filled a bunch of little sticky notes with hotkeys and tips, which are still pasted around the edge of monitor. I refer to them daily as I mod, until I memorize the function. Try it!

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