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Pls help CTDs are driving me mad


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hi everyone can someone pls help me I'm not an experienced modder but I love it :smile:, I have made a new game with my mods installed it a Farley long list of mods but I need help this is the 4th time ive reinstalled all of the mods to try find the problem but I have given up so I'm asking someone who has more xp than me if you can help find the problem or the mod where I went wrong my PC specs are AMD fx 6300 Nvidia gtx 1050ti 4GB 16GB ram I'm using MO to install the mods I will upload my mod list hope it makes sense thank you in advance for anyone who can help

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the CTDs happen every 5-10 min in game sorry I left that info out


if it helps there is a few plugins in wyre bash that are orange and it says the the masters are wrong it want dragonborn before dawnguard

which is crazy and I don't know how to fix that

Edited by rebelqueen101
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I don't know what to tell ya....
I have had issues with crashes yesterday and had to go through 1 mod at a time to find what was wrong.
But not that this is helpful......but it was always a mod that I never thought was a issue,and most of the time it was incompatible
with other mods....
I know it sucks but the one at a time search may be your best way to deal....Im not a modder,just letting you know what has painfully worked for me.

Just recently I had to uninstall a monster mod that was giving me crashes like every 10 min...
No reason in the world it should do that,and no one else had the issue....but it stopped once I removed it...

Are these mods you used before without issue?....Look for what you added that is new to your list...

Edited by kenmorlock
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LOL I was editing while you replyed
Are these mods you used before without issue?....Look for what you added that is new to your list...

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I suspect its a scripting error ive tried my best to make sure the mods are not conflicting but I could be wrong

most are old mods exept for legacy of the dragonborn and all the mods that they recommended to get the full experience which will take away just about my half my load order I downloaded LOTD and all the mods they said to quest mods etc


I was thinking to take off all my old mods and just run LOTD with the recommended mods plus a few essentials


the sad thing is it runs smoothly for those 5-10 min I even get around 40-50 fps constant then dead :sad:

Edited by rebelqueen101
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What do you have thats on a timer.....patrol mods,or things like that? I saw your list and since Im not a modder,I was looking to see if you had mods that I had issues with....
Some are the same as what I have now,but the rest Im not using...so no clue if those mod are a issue. But the ones you have that I have used and ones I still do are not on
my list of doesn't work for me....the other 75% of what you have in game Im clueless about! Good luck and please post if ya found what was wrong.

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I have a few not really patrols but more like encounters like deadly dragons the only scripted patrols or scheduled strolls ^^ is immersive citizens AI overhaul


but if I find a fix ill defiantly post it I'm trying to manually sort the load order otherwise the painful procedure of taking one off at a time :(

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