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Oblivion OBSE has become impossible

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Alright here we go, a while back - about a year or so- I downloaded oblivion off steam (GOTY edition), installed OBSE, Blockhead and lastly the OCOv2 and it ran fine, for some reason, I ended up deleting all my mods and reinstalling oblivion in regards to a completely different problem not related to those downloads and mods.


So I reinstall oblivion, run the game by it'self, and thanks to steams cloud servers my save games where still there. (lvl 11, save game #34). I decide to run the save game without the mods installed and it still runs fine, just uglier and missing a modded building, no bugs or errors. After seeing that my game was running fine, I decide it's time to reinstall those mods. To my surprise however, I go about installing the mods just like I did last time, and my characters have big letters screaming "INSTALL BLOCKHEAD" on their faces, so of course I look into blockhead and try to install blockhead correctly, only to find out, blockhead wasn't the problem at all, at least not yet. MY PROBLEM is OBSE itself. I delete all traces of the OBSE from my oblivion, as well as blockhead and OCO, so it's basically back to an unmodded game. I attempt to download OBSE again, following the readme, yes I followed the steam instructions, and ran the game using Oblivion.exe, not the launcher or OBSE.exe. I install OBSE tester to see if OBSE is running properly and IT'S NOT. I reinstall it three or four more times the same way and still says it's not working properly. I try older versions of OBSE, and it doesn't work, yes steam overlay is enabled, yes I've followed the readme's. Either OBSE tester is lying to my face or OBSE has decided it hates me and refuses to work at all. If you can offer any help it would be greatly appreciated.

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Sounds like you still have a file somewhere thats active....
I had the same thing but with old skyrim....I had to clean out everything and I mean everything right down to reinstalling every mod. (take a screen shot so you know what to get back)
I cleared out what was in Nexus mod manager file,steam file,did a computer search for anything still in my computer named Skyrim,nexus,or bethesda...in your case oblivion...
yeah it took all day to fix but going that far worked for me.
I know you don't want to spend that much time doing that,
but if you can't wait for someone else to have a answer,that might be the way to go.
BTW,I am not a modder but have been here for like 8 years and had many a issue to solve just to play my damn game!!!
LOL....good luck,hope ya get it all working,eat some cheese to remove stress while your working it out....
Also if you go this way....do not install any mods....test game without it first,then add your mods afew at a time and recheck your game

with the mods you install each time.

Edited by kenmorlock
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Have you tried starting the game from Steam?


Another thing ... exit right out of Steam completely before installing OBSE.

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Have you tried starting the game from Steam?


Another thing ... exit right out of Steam completely before installing OBSE.

I have tried starting the game from steam as well, still OBSE Tester tells me it's not working. However, I have not tried to close down steam before installing OBSE how would that affect it?

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Sounds like you still have a file somewhere thats active....

I had the same thing but with old skyrim....I had to clean out everything and I mean everything right down to reinstalling every mod. (take a screen shot so you know what to get back)

I cleared out what was in Nexus mod manager file,steam file,did a computer search for anything still in my computer named Skyrim,nexus,or bethesda...in your case oblivion...

yeah it took all day to fix but going that far worked for me.

I know you don't want to spend that much time doing that,

but if you can't wait for someone else to have a answer,that might be the way to go.

BTW,I am not a modder but have been here for like 8 years and had many a issue to solve just to play my damn game!!!

LOL....good luck,hope ya get it all working,eat some cheese to remove stress while your working it out....

Also if you go this way....do not install any mods....test game without it first,then add your mods afew at a time and recheck your game

with the mods you install each time.


I will attempt to uninstall and re-install everything once I have a few more options on the table,would like to try those first before going ham on Oblivion and everything related to it.

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Are you sure you installed all the necessary files to your Oblivion folder? Just making sure. So your game directory looks something like:


Where the editor dll would probably be unnecessary, probably also the loader exe but not necessarily, I have not tested without it. And when you launch the game from Steam, it shows the Oblivion Launcher? And you click "play", after which the game opens and OBSE tester tells you OBSE is not working.... ? Is an "obse.log", "obse_loader.log" or other similar created in the game directory, to see if OBSE is being loaded in any capacity?


Edit: Restarting Steam probably has no effect on anything, and I cannot see how some random leftover file would stop OBSE from being loaded, unless it is some very odd leftover file indeed. But one can never know. :huh:

Edited by Contrathetix
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The "install OBSE with Steam completely closed" came from something I saw in an old post of a similar problem.

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Hey Zepharus1423,
Did ya ever find out what was wrong?......other than not playing Skyrim SE.
Kidding,I loved Oblivion and have been wanting to replay it for awhile.Oblivion is what got me hooked
on PC gaming and this wonderful world of mods!!

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