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A discussion on the CK and limitations


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First thanks for takin the time to read this. Now thats said ill get on lol.


So far i have been working mainly on new equipment and skethes in RL of models i will be making and importing into the game. As i have never added new models to the game there are a few thins i do not know how to do or the limitations of the CK and the skyrim engine. (without re/writing script, as i have no clue about that)


One of the models i am creating is a single hannded hammer, the head will be bound in gold chains that run down the heft of the weapon. That sounds fine as they are wrapped around the weapon, but i wanted to have 3 parts were the chain hangs off the weapon with talismans attached, would i be able to add havok/reactive movement to these or would that effect the whole weapon? (A rough look at the weapon is attached, the squar parts o the heft will be were the hoops holding the hannging chains, sorry it looks shoddy but i dont have time to make a nice picture)


Creating landscapes and doing everything like that i am capable of, the model imports and adding specific graphics to items i am in the dark about.


Thanks all, Grimm.

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