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Actor/NPC optimization?


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I just found out about this a month ago, when in-game enter console mode, type this and you see miracle of super high fps --> setclipdist 300

by that, we could see all that 3D DRAWING & animation is the top fps eater, the second place is game script I think...

if there is someone that can teach me how to create Hello World for obse plugin maybe I could do something about this NPCs lag. (because I noticed latest OR mod can do custom fade actor in its framerate feature)


- that mod Oblivion Script Optimization is not recommended, since it is NOT updated since long. you should trust UOP for script optimization (it is still get updated & supported till this day)

this mod below may improve your game performance







http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22170 --> use only Operation Optimization in here



I did finally experiment with setclipdist 300 and managed to grope around OCR Cheydinhal without a crash (until I inadvertently hit tab and tilda at the same time; not sure if that caused the crash or if it was just a coincidence). I still need to try your stealth mod and your mesh reducing recommendations. I did try this mod out GBR's Extreme Game Boost.

I just used the dll and ini files from SDR, as GBR suggested. It did seem to help a little; I stopped getting crashes outside non-OCR Cheydinhal and Skingrad, where I got crashes before.


I've hit a wall on the generate faces idea. I still have hope that it could work, but for a number of reasons I can't get CS to cooperate. What would be really cool is a LODgen type app that exports face textures based on the mods you have installed, but I'm oblivious to the technical challenges thereof and probably sound lunatic to anyone that actually knows what they're talking about.

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with clip 300 you managed to exploring around ?

then... it means either your Oblivion is overloaded or there's bad nif files in your load order / mesh replacer

Oblivion tend to crash if fps go below 5, you should use software fraps to monitor fps...

don't trust fps indicator from Oblivion built-in -- that number is wrong, the correct one is from FRAPS


let us know your memory usage too,

by opening your task manager (windows user), open Oblivion and enter the game, see how much memory usage in task manager that Oblivion used in your system,

mine is start at 600 MB and go around 1100 MB after one or two hours gameplay in exterior (if I use fast travel and not go to exterior my memory usage is around 800 MB)

my Oblivion usually freeze / hang up at 1400++ MB


about face gen trick I doubt it will help much,

but I agree it will helps in some systems... this is what I think, they (we) still will suffer in fps drop if there is 20 NPCs in front of them (us)

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with clip 300 you managed to exploring around ?

I mean, it wasn't easy. :)

then... it means either your Oblivion is overloaded or there's bad nif files in your load order / mesh replacer

Oblivion tend to crash if fps go below 5, you should use software fraps to monitor fps...

don't trust fps indicator from Oblivion built-in -- that number is wrong, the correct one is from FRAPS


let us know your memory usage too,

by opening your task manager (windows user), open Oblivion and enter the game, see how much memory usage in task manager that Oblivion used in your system,

mine is start at 600 MB and go around 1100 MB after one or two hours gameplay in exterior (if I use fast travel and not go to exterior my memory usage is around 800 MB)

my Oblivion usually freeze / hang up at 1400++ MB

Part of my trouble is that I'm doing this in all in Wineskin on a Mac, which seems to have some issues with memory management. I've found some benchmarking software for Mac I should try, and I need to figure out how to make use of the Mac OS's task manager without tabbing out (there's probably some way of recording?). I'd really like to know if ENBoost or OR's memory management are actually doing what they're supposed to.


about face gen trick I doubt it will help much,

but I agree it will helps in some systems... this is what I think, they (we) still will suffer in fps drop if there is 20 NPCs in front of them (us)

I managed to get CSE working and generating face textures, but alas it didn't do me any good this time. Too bad; it seemed to have some promise when I partially generated them before.

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hahah I figured that is some exploring experience you got there with clipping 300

maybe you could play your game more stable in setclipdist 2000, it will be more playable and less crash but the view is become very limited


I don't know much about Mac OS, also usually Oblivion users here is using windows platform

to avoid alt-tabbing fullscreen maybe you could activate windowed mode in oblivion ini file

bFull Screen=0


that's to be expected, face gen might improve bad or complex face file but it will Not solve the NPCs lag problems

yeah.. I heard ENBoost and OR memory management could helps some setups

I using that OR memory management, it seems stable in my setup and helps a little bit. my current OR version is 6.4.1

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to avoid alt-tabbing fullscreen maybe you could activate windowed mode in oblivion ini file


bFull Screen=0


You can try it, but in our experience using alt-tab from/to Oblivion will crash any Windows version (even non-emulated ones) later than XP. I'd be amazed if Wineskin could handle what even Windows itself cannot.

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then I can consider myself lucky,

I can alt-tab and got No crash nowadays

to the point I even get bored after 3 or 4 hours of gameplay without ctd

this is the mod that I using, you might consider this as whitelist



# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
----above still not optimized by Ordenador
+My Blockhead
+Ser Knight
+Princess Walk V1 0 1 - Specialanims
+Womans Move Animation Replacer
+Improved Horse Forward Animation
+Operation Optimization 1 1 1-BAIN
+No Refraction Spells
+No havok objects
+Faster Dungeon Doors
+Enhanced Magic Effects
+Colorful Nebula
+Nebula's fix
+Cinematic Sunglare
+Strada Citta Imperiale
+Unique Signs
+Smoother Horse Animations
+Sneak Idle Replacer
+Mythic Ghosts and Goblins
+Mythic Madness
+Mythic Animals
+Mythic Creatures
+Arena Redone HD
+Improved Tools and Clutter
+Chinese Porcelain
+High Quality Rugs
+HiRes Pewter
+HiRes Silver and Gold Clutter
+Improved Skulls and Bones and Ironwork
+Improved Fruits Vegetables and Meats
+better cloudrulertemple
+Fort dungeon textures
+Ayleid Ruins Replacer for NBB2
+Rocks retexture
+Sewers retexture
+Cave textures
+Nighteye Shader Replacement
+Kasdars Detect Life Shader
+Animated Window Lighting System and Chimneys - AWLS
+fps Poly Gone Ext
+Oblivion PolyGone Overhaul
+DeParallaxer mod
+Improved Signs
+Vanilla sign ORI
+Obv Enhanced 6 Txtr Quarter IC only
+Shin Akuma mini Texture mod
+Watch Your Step - terrain retexture - WIP functional alpha
+Lush and Gaudy Landscape and Grass and Tree Mod
+Lush and Gaudy Floriana Gloria
+Oblivion Grass Overhaul
+Lush and Gaudy Interior and Exterior Mod
+Lush and Gaudy Demonic Frippery
+Qarl's Texture Pack III Redimized - QTP3 R
+Alluring Potion Bottles v3
+II 4 series 0-81-34199
+Akaviri Heirlooms
+Worship in Cyrodiil
+Lights of Oblivion - Road Lanterns
+God Statues in Chapels
+Improved Weather
+Kaizits new animations for NPC and player
+BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton
+Combat Stance Reanimation v2.0 CUST
+More Animals
+1_4 Mr_Siikas farm animals
+Animals In Cities
+Hunting and Wildlife Expansion Beta
+Younger NPCs
+IFT Improved Facial Textures
+Diverse Guards
+HGEC Body with BBB v1dot12-34442
+Roads of Cyrodiil
+Trails of Cyrodiil - Merged
+Arena District Alive
+Anvil MSF
+Cheydinhal - Dunmer MSF
+Skingrad BC REDUCED English German Ver
+Chorrol - Akaviri MSF
+Bravil Bananasplits BC EV
+Bravil MTCBravilRiverShackandVillage
+IC WaterfrontMarket no PC Shack
+IC Arboretum Bathhouse
+IC Palace Improvement
+IC The Imperial Waters
+IC ImpeREAL City - Unique Districts
+Talos Bridge Gatehouse
+Imperial Furniture Renovated
+Sutch Village
+Kvatch Rebuilt
+Glenmoril Covens
+Legion-occupied Forts
+Productive Mines
+Expanded Dungeons - Play Nice Edition
+Better dungeons
+Temple District Repaired
+Bruma Guild Reconstructed
+Frostcrag Village
+Gottshaw Village Expansion
's Towns Ver 3.1
+Immersive Weapons
+Fenrir The Wolf Companion Mod
+Expanded Greetings
+Basic Primary Needs
+Crowded Roads Advanced
+Oblivion Reloaded
+Oblivion XP Update
+Alternative Beginnings
+Loot To Gold
+Enchanting and Spell Making Altars
+FormID Finder
+Black Soul Gem Altar
+IC Temple altars
+QZ Easy Menus Update
+Toggleable Quantity Prompt - Updated
+Radar System By VipCxj
+MiniMap - Reboot
+Loading Screens Themed AddOn and DevKit
+Loading Screens Themed Replacer SI
+Loading Screens Themed Replacer
+Map Marker Overhaul
+Enhanced Hotkeys
+Display Stats
+Diverse Effect Icons
+Oblivion Icon Overhaul
+DarNified UI
+Elven Map Compilation 7-31360
+Elven Map w SI 31314 n 16640
+Audia Arcanum Footfalls of Heroism Expansion
+Symphony of Violence - Combat Sound Enhancement
+Lineage 2 Music Replacement
+Extra Music Pack Complete
+My Setup
+Bashed Patch
+Unique Loot Deleveled
+Unleveled Quest Rewards
+PikachunoTMs DLC Delayer
+Unofficial Oblivion DLC Patches
+Obv Txtr Quartersize
+Obv Txtr Halfsize - Menus Only
+Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch
+Unofficial Oblivion Patch
+Official DLC
+OBSE -Elys- Universal Silent Voice
+MenuQue - OBSE Plugin
+Oblivion - Enhanced Camera
+Custom Spell Icons
+Fast Exit
+Oblivion Stutter Remover
*Unmanaged: My_script
*Unmanaged: DLCShiveringIsles
*Unmanaged: AoG Overhaul and Detect Item
*Unmanaged: My_patch
*Unmanaged: QZ Easy Menus
*Unmanaged: FenrirTheWolf
*Unmanaged: InstantKillAdv
*Unmanaged: MigFTLtravel
*Unmanaged: FormID Finder4
*Unmanaged: Dynamic Wearable Clothes
*Unmanaged: LootToGold
*Unmanaged: Brucevayne's Sound Sets
*Unmanaged: AoG Overhaul Greed Empire
*Unmanaged: Crowded Roads Advanced

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I followed a recommendation Bevilex made to another poster a few years ago and reinstalled Unique Landscapes, omitting Cheydinhal Falls and Skingrad Outskirts. The reasoning was that they touch cells that OCR touches, so it's too much of a memory spike for my setup. I omitted Chorrol Hinterlands and Imperial City Isle for the same reasons (though not Bravil Barrowfields, as I haven't had any crashes there. Yet.).


Result: much better, crash-free performance in Skingrad and Cheydinhal. Cheydinhal stills seems to crash in the daytime, unfortunately. I got one weird crash loading Skingrad at night, but I think it's because I fast-travelled before all my plugins could load properly.


Currently I'm using GBRPluss' Enhanced Game Boost and default-ish Framerate Manager settings in Oblivion Reloaded, which do seem to help. I may consider less stringent Framerate Manager settings if I can get things stabilized. I'm considering L's AoG Overhaul as a possible replacement of Enhanced Game Boost. If I'm really desperate, I may try GBR's LODHEADS (despite some problematic reviews), or maybe figuring out how to edit OCR so it keeps Cheydinhal a closed city.


Edit: On a hunch, I also tried uninstalling Oblivion Grass Overhaul, with great success! It had put all kinds of weird grass in Cheydinhal that apparently was dragging things down. I still got a weird crash while fast-travelling for testing purposes, but it wasn't a memory allocation issue. I wonder of EGB is the issue, or if it's general Oblivion fast-travel issues.

Edited by 1Mac
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uhh I think GBR Lodheads is risky, that mod is using syntax update3D

I did experiment with that command in my clothing mod DWC (that's why I make that update3D toggleable in ini file)

that syntax will make your game crash randomly this and there

I already gave GBR a suggestion for update3D alternative but it seems he did not respond to my post

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then I can consider myself lucky,

I can alt-tab and got No crash nowadays

to the point I even get bored after 3 or 4 hours of gameplay without ctd

this is the mod that I using, you might consider this as whitelist


L, thanks for the info. We get inconsistent crashes here when alt-tabbing in Windows even with no mods installed, just the game and official patch from Bethesda. We've never bothered to track down the problem since we rarely if ever run multiple windows while gaming. But we also always run games full screen. If the only fix is to run Oblivion windowed, we'll gladly live with the problem. :)
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your welcome TMSon,

I choose windowed mode because it is much more convenient for me as a modder

when testing my own mod or other mods,

I always write something like notes / improvements / new ideas / to do list / bugs found while in-game

my Oblivion windowed setting is like this

iLocation Y=0
iLocation X=0
bFull Screen=0
iSize W=1920
iSize H=1050

This is how it looks like

and several tips for you all





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