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Upgrading Video Card = Slow Skyrim?


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Did you also check your psu compatibility\enough power output, with the new video card? Also some motherboards prefer an AMD or NVIDIA only setup. Just thought I would through that out there...
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Don't get all butt-hurt over me recommending an nVidia card over AMD (is no more ATi btw...), which she was coming from an nVidia card in the first place. Your opinion sounds just as biased as mine, if not more so ;)


Also, check in your CCC (is it still called that?) for your card's settings and see what it's got going on. At low settings, is the in game AA and AF turned off or just low? Make sure they're both off and try that I link I posted previously.

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Don't get all butt-hurt over me recommending an nVidia card over AMD (is no more ATi btw...), which she was coming from an nVidia card in the first place. Your opinion sounds just as biased as mine, if not more so ;)


Also, check in your CCC (is it still called that?) for your card's settings and see what it's got going on. At low settings, is the in game AA and AF turned off or just low? Make sure they're both off and try that I link I posted previously.

exactly what did I say that is biased? I stated only facts. There is no real difference between the two and yes ATI still exists they are just now a part of AMD. But if you look for AMD video card section they still call it ATI.

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and in my opinion they make a higher quality chipset

Try again. Your whole statement was biased and opinionated. Lets compare the 560ti vs the 6950. Idle, the 560ti is using less power than the 6950, under load, it's using about 30 watts more. The difference isn't very far off in either direction really. Not to mention, even using more power under load, the 560ti is still cooler than the 6950. Prices for each are around the same, also.


For a more in depth comparison: http://www.legitreviews.com/article/1533/16/


And no, the company ATi is dead now. All cards are AMD and are referred to as such. AMD doesn't even make 1st party video cards anymore. ATi used to make their own in house cards and you had 3rd party companies like Sapphire and such. Not anymore :/ Also, not to mention driver support. Lately, even AMD fanboys (not using that term derogatorily) are even jealous of nVidia's driver support vs AMD's.


This is all the argument you're getting. I'm not turning this thread into an AMD vs nVidia thread.


Anyway, OP, let us know if anything has changed.

Edited by m3talc0re
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I stated an opinion because you blamed amd. It wasn't even that biased I have had both types of cards and my preference is amd.


Don't get so mad were all just trying to help the guy out.

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If you open CCC and click on information you will see "software update"


from there it will find the latest drivers for your GPU and install them.


That should help some.

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That's nice. Lol, me mad...


Anyway, OP, you said your drivers are up to date, right? Is it that you just can't find those settings are they don't exist? I don't use an AMD card, so I can't look for myself, but on the left of the Catalyst Control Center, you should see Gaming and under that, 3D Application Settings.


Maybe here?

Step 1: Right Click your Desktop & Select the “AMD Vision Engine Control Center” Option


Step 2: Locate the “Gaming” Option & select “3D Application Settings”


Step 3: Under “3D Application Settings”, try those settings in the link.

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That's nice. Lol, me mad...


Anyway, OP, you said your drivers are up to date, right? Is it that you just can't find those settings are they don't exist? I don't use an AMD card, so I can't look for myself, but on the left of the Catalyst Control Center, you should see Gaming and under that, 3D Application Settings.


Maybe here?

Step 1: Right Click your Desktop & Select the “AMD Vision Engine Control Center” Option


Step 2: Locate the “Gaming” Option & select “3D Application Settings”


Step 3: Under “3D Application Settings”, try those settings in the link.

Yeah that's where they should be, but they are not there.

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