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Applying textures to the player character only?


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Does anyone know how to get textures (femalehead.dds, femalebody_1.dds, and femalehands_1.dds specifically) to apply to the player character only?


I tried doing something like this mod, but it affects all NPCs with the same weight settings as the ones I modified, and also I can't figure out how to get it to work for the head texture.

Edited by cfiziksh
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From what i know, to get unique textures, you have to do this steps:


- copy the meshes you want


- edit the new meshes, giving them a new texture path


- go to the player in the CK, and give his face/eyes/hair or whatever you want to modify the new meshes path.


I might be wrong, but i've read lots of tutorial about this (used for example for the Monster Mod)

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Ok, I think I found a way to get the head texture to apply to only the player character. I copied SkinHeadFemaleBreton to make a new texture set, called SkinHeadFemaleBretonPale, and put the head textures I want to use into the new texture set.


Then I added the texture set to the texture set list for BretonRace (Tinting->Face Details Texture Set List in the CK).


Now I get a new option on the Complexion slider (to the right of the age 50 option) that applies the head textures I want.


I'm assuming the NPCs won't use the SkinHeadFemaleBretonPale texture set, because that's not there by default.


Now I just need a way to apply the body and hands textures...


Here's the .esp file in case you're curious: http://www.mediafire.com/?trq8b7m1zom8fim

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  • 3 months later...

I realize this thread might be dead, But I'm going to ask anyway.


cfiziksh's solution up there was exactly what I was looking for. I needed to apply my own head textures to the player only. So I followed those steps and got a new option on the complexion slider.


It worked...until I opened the game again, loaded my save with the new head textures, and they weren't there. My character was using the default.


I opened the race menu again, and it was still on the new slider that I had created, but I had to move one down and then back to make the textures reappear again. This happens every time I load the game. Its a little bit immersion breaking when I have to open the race-menu and fix my face every time I go to play Skyrim.


I don't know what is causing this problem. If anyone is still out there, any ideas? :confused:

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