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Editing values in an item creates duplicates


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I found some topic on this but nothing I really understood.


I am using "Stop the bleeding" with "Agony". They both add bandages whichs effects are too low for the damage I get because of some overhaul mods. I wanted to change the values of those bandages in the CK. When I save it however, the CK creates duplicates instead of editing the values of the base items. How can I avoid that?


I load






Compatibilitypatch.esp (This make Agony, Raider Overhaul and Wasteland Imports compatible to STB) <- active file


What do I need to change or how do I have to make it so that the base items are changed and no duplicates are created?

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What exactly do you mean it's creating duplicates? Like you now have multiple types of bandages? What exactly are you editing? Screenshots?

I am editing the effects. When I save it, the CK creates a duplicate of the item and leaves the other intact.




Bandage (value 1 and 2) edited to Bandage (value 2 and 3)


Reopen CK

Bandage (value 1 and 2)

Banddage copy (value 2 and 3)


CK even tells me that there are some copies when I open it again...

Edited by JohnnyTest91
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I think your issue is that your trying to make a mod that uses an .esp as a masts in the Ckit. Ice accidentally gotten duplicate form when a master was removed and .esp’s do get removed by the Ckit when saving because the Ckit doesn’t allow .esp requirements.


You may want to try converting all requirements to .esm’s before making your patch. You’ll need to convert them back to .esp and edit your new patches requirements back to .esp.

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I think your issue is that your trying to make a mod that uses an .esp as a masts in the Ckit. Ice accidentally gotten duplicate form when a master was removed and .esp’s do get removed by the Ckit when saving because the Ckit doesn’t allow .esp requirements.


You may want to try converting all requirements to .esm’s before making your patch. You’ll need to convert them back to .esp and edit your new patches requirements back to .esp.

How do I find out which is the master? I'm not very good in the CK

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You can try opening the plugin with FO4edit or select it in the Ckit on the right side of the plugin window there is the mods master list.

Oh so it's the files that are also listed in the CK. Now I understand.


So when I set the patch.esp to active file all files it needs must be esm files?

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Thatâs what I suspect is causing your issue, here is a quote from another thread where I explain how to convert .espâs to .esmâs so you can make a patch.


You'll have to,



  • open Up Horizon in FO4EditÂ
  • In the File Header set the master flag (Make a backup of the original .esp or you'll later have to convert it back from .esm)
  • Exit and Save
  • Change it's extension to .esm
  • create your mod that requires Horizon
  • Open your new mod that requires Horizon in FO4Edit
  • In the file header right click on the Horizon.esm and change it to Horizon.esp
  • exit and save
  • If you don't have a back up from step 2 then open Horizon.esm in FO4editÂ
  • in the file header remove the master flag
  • change it's extension back to .esp
For mods that I tend to make patches for I like to keep both an .esp and .esm version (the .esm version is only used in the Creation Kit for making or updating patches.)Â


Edit: If you don't know how to set the master flag, (and if you do I mean no offense)

  • Open any mod in FO4Edit
  • once fully loaded select the file header
  • Int the right side window (4th down from the top) You'll See "Record Flags"
  • Right click in the space next to itÂ
  • You get a warning about editing the mod
  • Click Yes and contineÂ
  • Next you get a new window with .esm at the top and a lot of empty check boxes.Â
  • click the .esm check box and close the window
  • Exit and saveÂ
  • remember to change the file extension to .esmÂ

Your obviously using other mods and this doesnât have to be horizon.

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Thatâs what I suspect is causing your issue, here is a quote from another thread where I explain how to convert .espâs to .esmâs so you can make a patch.


You'll have to,


  • open Up Horizon in FO4EditÂ
  • In the File Header set the master flag (Make a backup of the original .esp or you'll later have to convert it back from .esm)
  • Exit and Save
  • Change it's extension to .esm
  • create your mod that requires Horizon
  • Open your new mod that requires Horizon in FO4Edit
  • In the file header right click on the Horizon.esm and change it to Horizon.esp
  • exit and save
  • If you don't have a back up from step 2 then open Horizon.esm in FO4editÂ
  • in the file header remove the master flag
  • change it's extension back to .esp
For mods that I tend to make patches for I like to keep both an .esp and .esm version (the .esm version is only used in the Creation Kit for making or updating patches.)Â


Edit: If you don't know how to set the master flag, (and if you do I mean no offense)

  • Open any mod in FO4Edit
  • once fully loaded select the file header
  • Int the right side window (4th down from the top) You'll See "Record Flags"
  • Right click in the space next to itÂ
  • You get a warning about editing the mod
  • Click Yes and contineÂ
  • Next you get a new window with .esm at the top and a lot of empty check boxes.Â
  • click the .esm check box and close the window
  • Exit and saveÂ
  • remember to change the file extension to .esmÂ

Your obviously using other mods and this doesnât have to be horizon.


Mhhh problem is now - the file I want to edit only uses esm files as master files...



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