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Simple Magical Scaling


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Hello! I was wondering if anyone might know of a mod, or be able to tell me how to make a mod, that allows destruction damage to scale with level?

I have found a couple of mods which do that but all of them come with changes to the magical perk trees, new spells or other balancing changes which I would really prefer to avoid.

I would really really appreciate any help that could be provided, thank you all for your time!


I found out SkyTweak can be made to work on SSE solving this. Thank you all though!

Edited by Aithlyra
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Hello! I was wondering if anyone might know of a mod, or be able to tell me how to make a mod, that allows destruction damage to scale with level?

I have found a couple of mods which do that but all of them come with changes to the magical perk trees, new spells or other balancing changes which I would really prefer to avoid.

I would really really appreciate any help that could be provided, thank you all for your time!


I found out SkyTweak can be made to work on SSE solving this. Thank you all though!




If you do not know how to use SSEEdit, I would recommend you to start watching some videos and start using it. I have created some custom mods for myself ( magic ) so I do not need to install any mod that increase my magic or scale it.


Matter of fact, last night I created a custom mod that allow me to cast frost and paralyze my enemies at the same time. I am using this on my left hand and on my right, my customized destruction fire magic to terminate them while paralyze. Why ? Because I have Genesis, OBIS and wenches and my game is spawning dozens of enemies at the same time.


Try to learn it and have fun !

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