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Reload Without Opening Transfer Menu


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Honestly, how is this not a mod yet? All I'd like is to be able to reload without opening the Transfer Menu if I'm looking at a container / body! I spent more than a fair share of time trying to find an apparently non-existent mod, but on the off-chance I'm wrong, please someone let me know.

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Pretty much the same problem, leaving the power armor from missing any object of interaction, hitting the interaction key/button is. The mod would require to split up two actions wich are bound to the same key, onto different keys. My guess is that those are hardcoded, otherwise i cannot comprehend it wasnt modded yet.


Any other solution would mean that you cannot access a container/corpse when you have a weapon equiped that uses ammo, because the game will always try to reload instead. So you would have to unequip the weapon to loot any container.

Edited by Simpson3k
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