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Everything posted by GamingBigfoot

  1. #18, eh? Got any milestones you're going for, or just counting how many you're at?
  2. Just how much have you given away so far, anyway?
  3. I'd argue it's possible to be TOO generous... but cool
  4. Talk about generosity... another one, wow...
  5. That's a decent amount to be giving away. Good luck to all!
  6. Here's hoping people don't get too upset for not winning anything. I often see people forget they wouldn't have had any chance to get anything at all, if these giveaways weren't made.
  7. Honestly, how is this not a mod yet? All I'd like is to be able to reload without opening the Transfer Menu if I'm looking at a container / body! I spent more than a fair share of time trying to find an apparently non-existent mod, but on the off-chance I'm wrong, please someone let me know.
  8. Surely I can't be the only one who's noticed the fact that when subtitles pop up, the game hides the health bar? Seriously, this is such a stupid design... EDIT: Seems to related (at the very least) when Sentry Bots are talking.
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