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Help With Blender Meshings <oblivion related>


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So i'm trying to follow this tutorial


which is a custom cuirass tutorial 'as u might have guessed'. but i am stuck.

If u scroll down to the part that says

Importing Necessary Body Parts and Skeleton


I'm stuck on where it says "First, import the body. Click on File-Import-Netimmerse/Gamebryo"


when i go to File-import it doesn't have Netimmerse and or Gamebryo. It has

File-import-VRML 1.0



and nothing else, am i missing something. on the "Needed Programs" part i dl'd all of those. i might have dl'd one to the wrong spot since they weren't very specific other then make the dl. it also said i needed to go through the other two mesh tutorials "Custom shield in blender.. and .. Custom sword in blender" I'm fairly good at molding what i want things to look like but i've never actually put one of my swords or cars into a game (oblivion has been my only attempts.) and point of looking into the other two tutorials, is i made sure i had all the required files they say also. so i think i'm either missing something, maybe missing an update, placed something in the wrong spot. i mean of coarse their's other possibilities but that's my hunch. can anyone help me?


P.S. Vagrant0, in a previous topic you told me that animating armor is not feasable unless you programed it which would take a long time. I'm wondering, would it be possible if i made two different armors and a spell changed between the two? the reason is because one of them is going to have a mask open up along with a few vent places "hips, neck line etc" and the other completely air tight, and or elements tight. And if possible, could i do it between more than two armors, maybe make a third one with some buster cannon arm or something? Anyone that can help pls help. this part i ask vagrant0 specifically since he was on that topic and also seems to know a good bit oblivion modding programs. :thumbsup:


any and all help will be greatly appreciated. :thanks:

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P.S. Vagrant0, in a previous topic you told me that animating armor is not feasable unless you programed it which would take a long time. I'm wondering, would it be possible if i made two different armors and a spell changed between the two? the reason is because one of them is going to have a mask open up along with a few vent places "hips, neck line etc" and the other completely air tight, and or elements tight. And if possible, could i do it between more than two armors, maybe make a third one with some buster cannon arm or something? Anyone that can help pls help. this part i ask vagrant0 specifically since he was on that topic and also seems to know a good bit oblivion modding programs. :thumbsup:


any and all help will be greatly appreciated. :thanks:

No, what I said is that you can't make any part of a worn item move seperate from the skeleton. Any sort of change to a mesh would require scripting to swap out either one item for another, or one mesh for another. Since you seem to have enough problems already, that isn't something I would recommend even thinking about.


That said, either you're missing the .nif format from the import list, or you didn't install the plugin right.



Before importing, you should probably also make sure you've extracted skeleton.nif and skeletonbeast.nif from the BSAs and place them in your meshes/characters/_male folder so that it can properly setup skin linkings.


In all honestly, you should probably start off with something ALOT less complicated than an armor or clothing mod. They are not something you can just follow a tutorial and do, and require a fair amount of experience with whatever modeling software as well as the nif format to make them work right in game.

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"That said, either you're missing the .nif format from the import list"


If i am missing that 'which i think i am' how do i get that? and i did install that link,.. again..



Before importing, you should probably also make sure you've extracted skeleton.nif and skeletonbeast.nif from the BSAs and place them in your meshes/characters/_male folder so that it can properly setup skin linkings.


Also where do i get those files? is it from the "bsaunpacker" program? cause i unzipped it to have the program window icon, and every time i click open and or double click, it takes a min then says it's missing a file and or lets me choose "close=Debug" or something that basically says give up.


And about the armor change, basically it's not changing the mesh, it's just making part of it disapear.

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"That said, either you're missing the .nif format from the import list"


If i am missing that 'which i think i am' how do i get that? and i did install that link,.. again..

Saying that you are not seeing it in the import list, or not installing the plugin right. If you're using Vista, make sure you have those little security settings disabled so that it can do what it needs to do. Beyond that, make sure you are selecting the import option, and not "open". There may even be an "all types" option. But yeah, there's nothing wrong with the plugin, there's nothing specific to blender, or the plugin which would make it not work. It would have to be something that you are either doing wrong, or something specific to how you have your system setup.


Get those files from the BSA archives. Use BSA commander as it will let you select what resources you want to extract. BSAunpacker was one of the oldest ones which were made and extracted everything within the BSAs to folders which were pre-determined by the program. It hasn't been updated in awhile, and may not even work with the patched game.


And about the armor change, basically it's not changing the mesh, it's just making part of it disapear.

Which is exactly what cannot be done. Any change to a worn piece of equipment must be a different mesh being used. And you can't easily add those different parts that you want as a seperate item since they may not move in the same exact way as the rest of the mesh.


Regardless, as said, armor meshes are alot more complicated than what you are probably capable of handling without going off the deep end again. Even when you know what you're doing, things can go horribly wrong. As many of those mistakes happen by accident, or skipping over one minor step, even following tutorials to the letter may not give you reasonable results. Once you get the importing right, you should practice more with making meshes, weapons and statics are a good learning experience, and depending on what you're willing to do, can be extremely useful for others. Even more so than some armor mod.

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lol ffs i never went off "the deep end" that whole topic wasn't my wording. i have thus far never felt like i have never been helped when needed, that was a friend, which atm isn't talking to me. i never lost it, though i admit i'm a tad crazy-heh.


p.s. is it possible to import using the one of the other three methods? also these files i'm deriving from are .nif files, is it possible to transfer a nif file into a blender file?

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Sorry, well I guess I was thrown off by that person posting with your user name. It's crazy to imagine that only one person would use a username, I know...


As for the blender thing. No, you can't convert a .nif to a blender file, other than importing it. Which, correct me if I'm wrong, is what you're trying to do. Long story short, you're going to need to get the importer/exporter working since you'll eventually want to do something with whatever you spend time working on.


I don't use blender, so I have no idea where you could have made a mistake, or what you could be missing as far as that goes. Did you look at the readme (there should be one) that came with the patch mentioned above?

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