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screenshot help please?


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i badly want to start taking screens and playing with them in photoshop.

is there a way to bind the tfc and the other tfc( the one that freezes) to a key on my keyboard?

and are there any other tips to doing this kind of work? i think i heard something about depth of feild and lov (dunno what that is)

and are these somthing that i can apply to the screen before i take the shot and change back for performance ability ?


please help me with whatever info u can including the console codes and such.

i will be very grateful for any of the above info.


thank you for your time :-)


sorry if i didnt post this in the right place

Edited by makaab
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I am not sure the mindless mapping they left us with will allow what you want to do. Tyr using a macro program, like macro-magic and setting it to your active screen or dedicated to the Skyrim window. You might have to "window" your game for it to avoid a "non-black" image capture from the macro. So, the immersion you may want might have to come from a cropped screen shot.
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I am not sure the mindless mapping they left us with will allow what you want to do. Tyr using a macro program, like macro-magic and setting it to your active screen or dedicated to the Skyrim window. You might have to "window" your game for it to avoid a "non-black" image capture from the macro. So, the immersion you may want might have to come from a cropped screen shot.


yea i assumed cropping would be part of the procedure anyway. i already had that as part of the process lol. but thanks also.

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