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Hello, this is my first ever mod request. after spending much times looking around the nexus for such a mod, I was curious if one could be made that has simple, flat, panes of glass that could be nudged into windows with the settlement builder, such as those of Croup Manor, my current project. In that particular project, 1x3 panels would be optimal, but the mod could also include other sizes, such as 1x1, 1x2, 2x1, et cetera. By making the panes flat, they would be able to fit into most walls, further improving their usability.


Thank you all for hearing out my request.

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Hello EliteGameKnight;

there are a few options for glass depending on your install and preference.

- DDproductions had glass pieces set,

- Snap-n-Build had a lot of glass walls etc.


you describe an awesome idea too,

a "2D-3D decal applique - "different types of glass"

as like a 'placeable decal of 'glass' which can match any object etc.




Then, there's Rorax,

dread74 etc.

that approach is more '2D-3D Decal Applique".

the decal applies a glass-like effect, and is point-like/film-like for it's thickness.


this is also how Tilarta etc made glass-objects have shadows, reflections etc,

ie, Leibniz-gasket shadow for a Nuka Cola Quantum reflection, etc.

you can do 'recycled bottles wall',/ beerbottle glass,

mirrored glass, impurities/colored glass, damaged glass (you know, like 'heat-hazed' or brittle honeycomb glass),

"Asaka glass"

all kinds of neat plasmonic/photo-optic effects.


you can do 'stained glass windows' and all kinds of fun stuff,

if you're wanting to make like 'lava-lamps'/ keyed .swf or gif animations to a surface,

say, as a reflection for your 'glass' etc...

you can append different specular and occlusion planes as well, all as part of the same decal instance.



Extension time;

the decal can also be programmed to be 'lenticular' - like a poster,

depending on viewing angle...

that, can be mapped for showing the inside of the next Cantorian-Cartesian "UGRID Interior/Exterior" cell...

so, that is how stuff like the FO4---> TARDIS

keyframe'd door-portal matches the interior of the console room,

or how RuadHan2300's portal-door entrance can show the interior/ AB pair'd keyframed decals...




I hope this has been of some use,

and points you in the right direction to find some "decal applique glass panels".

I look forward to seeing what custom settlements you build.

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Thanks for the reply. I was able to find a glass pane in Alternate Settlements. took some wangjangling with size values to make it work, since it's only a large 1x1 panel, but I was able to get it there in the end. I still think that a mod with differently sized glass panes, and per your excellent suggestion of different types of glass, would make the whole affair much easier. hopefully this thread can serve as inspiration for someone who has the ability that I lack to make it happen.

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