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SSE Infinite Loading Screen


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Hello everyone.


Yesterday I was playing like usual, but when I tried to load my save this morning, I got stuck in the loading screen and I don't know why because everything worked fine before and nothing have change.

It would be nice if I could have a hand on this, because I don't know exactly what to do and I would keep my character.


I can start a New Game without problem.


Here is my mod list order : https://pastebin.com/hd1nJuNP


And here is my save log scripts : https://pastebin.com/avTMSMhX


Thanks in advance.

Edited by KagamiEX
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sounds like a save bloat issue, have you tried using a save cleaner-- it might work. Also go into your save folder and clean out the files not save related that the game leaves behind.


courtesy of cdcooley: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6095248-skse64-leaving-save-fragments-in-save-folder/


save that as the title and keep that in your save folder, use it routinely.

// CleanLeftoverCosaves.js - a WSH script to clean leftover SKSE cosave files
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var folder = fso.GetFolder(".");
var subFlds = new Enumerator(folder.Files);
var files = {}
for (; !subFlds.atEnd(); subFlds.moveNext()) {
	var n = subFlds.item().name
	if (n.match(".ess"))
		files[n.replace(".ess", "")] = 1
subFlds = new Enumerator(folder.Files);
for (; !subFlds.atEnd(); subFlds.moveNext()) {
	var n = subFlds.item().name
	if (n.match(".skse"))
		if (!files[n.replace(".skse", "")])
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  On 3/11/2018 at 12:06 PM, 3aq said:


sounds like a save bloat issue, have you tried using a save cleaner-- it might work. Also go into your save folder and clean out the files not save related that the game leaves behind.


courtesy of cdcooley: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/6095248-skse64-leaving-save-fragments-in-save-folder/


save that as the title and keep that in your save folder, use it routinely.

// CleanLeftoverCosaves.js - a WSH script to clean leftover SKSE cosave files
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var folder = fso.GetFolder(".");
var subFlds = new Enumerator(folder.Files);
var files = {}
for (; !subFlds.atEnd(); subFlds.moveNext()) {
	var n = subFlds.item().name
	if (n.match(".ess"))
		files[n.replace(".ess", "")] = 1
subFlds = new Enumerator(folder.Files);
for (; !subFlds.atEnd(); subFlds.moveNext()) {
	var n = subFlds.item().name
	if (n.match(".skse"))
		if (!files[n.replace(".skse", "")])


Thanks for that.
Hum, I had over 100+ fragments in my folder and I cleaned it with this but I'm still stuck in the loading screen.
I tried to clean my save too but the software says that there aren't unattached instances or orphan scripts. :/
Edited by KagamiEX
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