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[LE] NPC don't want to enter town

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So i've made a skeleton and i added two AI packages, one that make him wonder around and guard his location, and second that make him follow player, then i've made a spell that replace thsoe packages so you can order him what to do, the problem is that he simply don't want to enter a town, he goes everywhere around me from caves to exterios and other palces but when we enter whiterun, windhelm, of markart he simply stay on the other side of the door and stay there, for some weird reason he actually follow me into solitude (its the only town he can enter and exit) it doesn't make any sense, why can't he just enter every othe town like entered the solitude? does anybody know that that might be? navmesh? something about race or actor? thanks to anyone who respond.

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Check your factions page. You may have to add all the town factions to get it to go into them.

Ok, i know its been a few weeks but i just wanted to inform, that it didn't work, i even tried to copy skeletons from path of sorcery, ordinator to see they packages and factions, but it still doesn't work, it's like my mod is cursed and no matter what i do those actors simply refuse to enter towns, can you tell me what faction you suggest? something about crime faction, or smthin like that?

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Find your .esp file in the root directory of your game. COPY it and put it in a safe place. Now you have a backup of what you started with.


Ok. Here's a couple things you can try. I can't guarantee they are gonna work for you, but they work for me anyway. Open the CK and make your character your active file. When you open him up, try the following:


On your Factions Page add-


0 PlayerFollowerFaction

-1 CurrentFollowerFaction

0 PotentialFollowerFaction


(You can also add town factions; ie. WindhelmTownFaction, FalkreathTownFaction, etc. from the drop down list)


NOTE: Save your file after you complete each page BEFORE YOU GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. If you don't do this, you will have to go back and do it all over again.


On the Relationships Page Add-


Set the Player as an ALLY


On your AI Data page, try setting the following assets-


AGGRESSON: Aggresive (no higher or lower)

CONFIDENCE: Brave or Foolhardy

ASSISTANCE: Helps Allies

MOOD: Neutral or None

ENERGY: 50 or Higher


The AGGRO RADIUS box should not be active (blank)


On your AI Packages page add-



DefaultMasterPackages for Sleep, Weapons, and Food (add from drop down list)


Hopefully these things will work for you and fix your problem. If not, maybe some can correct me and give you better solutions.

Edited by varkonasnorse
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Find your .esp file in the root directory of your game. COPY it and put it in a safe place. Now you have a backup of what you started with.


Ok. Here's a couple things you can try. I can't guarantee they are gonna work for you, but they work for me anyway. Open the CK and make your character your active file. When you open him up, try the following:


On your Factions Page add-


0 PlayerFollowerFaction

-1 CurrentFollowerFaction

0 PotentialFollowerFaction


(You can also add town factions; ie. WindhelmTownFaction, FalkreathTownFaction, etc. from the drop down list)


NOTE: Save your file after you complete each page BEFORE YOU GO TO THE NEXT PAGE. If you don't do this, you will have to go back and do it all over again.


On the Relationships Page Add-


Set the Player as an ALLY


On your AI Data page, try setting the following assets-


AGGRESSON: Aggresive (no higher or lower)

CONFIDENCE: Brave or Foolhardy

ASSISTANCE: Helps Allies

MOOD: Neutral or None

ENERGY: 50 or Higher


The AGGRO RADIUS box should not be active (blank)


On your AI Packages page add-



DefaultMasterPackages for Sleep, Weapons, and Food (add from drop down list)


Hopefully these things will work for you and fix your problem. If not, maybe some can correct me and give you better solutions.

okay so added all the factions, ai packages, and even tried to mix soem others packages, or change npc race, then i made new esp to make a new npc there and see if it's going to work then, but it still doesn't so i quess it's not like my esp is corrupted or semething, i also tested if it's going to work if i use a normal npc instead of skeleton, but no he still don't enter town... the weirdest thing is that he refuse to enter only a few towns, he can go out and in to the solitude, or get inside markhart but can't get out of it, this doesn't make sense... like at all... the others mod i've chcked out have exacly same mechanics of just ai "follow player" package added to npc and it work fine, but the ck simply refuse to do the same with my mod xd

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I'm at a loss for a solution then. Perhaps your CK isn't working properly. I had that issue once, and when I verified the CK with Steam, it found several errors. I had to re-install CK. You might want to check that.


Here's a warning though if you should decide to do that. After Steam corrected and re-installed CK on my laptop (Windows 10) the skyrimeditor.ini file reverts back to default every time I start CK because now it verifies and updates each time I start it. As a result I can't load multiple master files and it is pretty much useless to me now. I have to run CK on my Windows 7 desktop machine and it works perfectly. I always have problems with anything Skyrim and Windows 10. They don't get along well at all. Sometimes I get so frustrated I think it's time to get rid of this silly game and do something else. It's like being addicted to drugs. Can't shake it for some reason. :sick:

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I'm at a loss for a solution then. Perhaps your CK isn't working properly. I had that issue once, and when I verified the CK with Steam, it found several errors. I had to re-install CK. You might want to check that.


Here's a warning though if you should decide to do that. After Steam corrected and re-installed CK on my laptop (Windows 10) the skyrimeditor.ini file reverts back to default every time I start CK because now it verifies and updates each time I start it. As a result I can't load multiple master files and it is pretty much useless to me now. I have to run CK on my Windows 7 desktop machine and it works perfectly. I always have problems with anything Skyrim and Windows 10. They don't get along well at all. Sometimes I get so frustrated I think it's time to get rid of this silly game and do something else. It's like being addicted to drugs. Can't shake it for some reason. :sick:

Soooo.... i reinstalled skyrim and ck... still doesn't work. now this is trully annoying but thanks for help anyway, actually im gonna try to do it on diffrent computer then, or if anyone is willing to help me by making this for me xd i

Edited by Univers123
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