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3D Scanning?


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I have a simple concept. What if someone here had the money for a full, functioning 3D scanner? If they bought such a thing, couldn't one simply scan an object for a polygon map of an object or even the texture of it, and simply export it to Skyrim?



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I highly doubt that would be the least bit practical. For instance - say you scanned a marble. A marble is a perfectly round object in our 3D world. Now, you import it into a videogame which is, technically, a 2D world with an image of something 3D in it. In the game world, objects are made of pixels. Pixels are square. Even a round object in that game world is made up of several squares - the more squares, the rounder it looks. You try to put an object that is perfectly round into that world and you essentially screw with it. It needs too many pixels in order to project its roundness. Your GPU dies and you need a new computer.


You are MUCH better off modeling it yourself. :/

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Well, 3D scanning wouldn't use pixels (at worst, maybe voxels), it would use tris/quads to render the object (nothing is perfectly round either, iirc, but that's not the point).


Regardless, you're right. It's just needlessly inefficient.

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If 3D scanners were any good for games all big developers would have one.. Team Bondi did use some kind of 3D scanning tech to create the extremely realistic faces and facial expressions for L.A Noire though, too bad not more developers are using that technology, but i bet the costs are just too high..
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