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An overhaul of NPC physique/Bodies


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Alright, so this mod isn't asking for a complete overhaul of the NPC's, encountered in Skyrim. I'm looking for a mod to compliment such facelift mods, in particular the Massive NPC Facelift Project. Essentially what I want to do, is give some physical diversity to the NPC's of Skyrim. Taking into account a character's race, profession, back story and weapon style, if applicable. A mod like Racial Body Morphs is great, but I don't feel like it really helps tailor and customise each individual NPC. Although incorporating elements of that mod as a general rule, for the various races, would be nice. I imagine shop owners like Belethor, would look either a bit skinny, or overweight. While someone like Uthgerd, would have a bigger more muscular physique. Given she walks around in plate armour, all day. Beggars should look skinny and malnourished, Camilla should have a more appealing physique, given Faendal and Sven are swooning over her.


Obviously a lot of what I just suggested would require a massive amount of work. But it's fun to think about.

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