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A Day In The Life Of Your Character


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What does my character do each day.....heh...that's easy.

Gets her arse kicked and dies. Some times more than once.

Just glad I don't have to start the game over each time.

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You're welcome. Have you thought about going with a Premium Membership? Download speed is a tremendous improvement. I just now did a dl for Sulteric's Viconia companion mod, and I got 350-400 Kbps.


If you're on dial-up, I used this until I made the move to Cable Broadband: Proxyconn Dial-Up Accelerator


I don't use Dial-Up...I use 3G connection. But as things in Romania are...the provider was too lazy to expand the 3G network so I can't connect on 3G broadband. Instead I connect on Edge and the speed sucks.


So a Premium Membership won't help with nothing :S.


Anyway...I am still downloading mods ;). A month ago I downloaded The Lost Spires...not gonna tell you how much it took me...used Download Accelerator Plus :D...but it took a bunch of time :P.


Cheers :thumbsup:



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What does my character do each day.....heh...that's easy.

Gets her arse kicked and dies. Some times more than once.

Just glad I don't have to start the game over each time.

rofl....Isn't that the truth. Just when you think you're about to get in the killing blow, too. Boom. Game over.

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Emili, my main character right now, usually gets up around 8, has some breakfast, and heads to the mage's guild in the next city. Even though she's really an archer--and somewhat compulsive about it, too, shooting signs and hanging lamps just for fun--she decided she wanted to get into the mage's guild. I think its because they have such nice beds. And there's no creepy guys at the mage's guild watching her sleep.

She doesn't talk to any more people than she has to. Seems like they've all got problems, and too lazy to solve them themselves. Its depressing and annoying, and it messes up her daily schedule.

Her race has hunter's sight, so she runs everywhere she goes until she finds potential prey. Then she sneaks up and pegs 'em.

Right now, that Martin fellow thinks she's collecting artifacts for him. Yeah, right! Why would she want to stop the invasion when there's so much cool stuff in those towers? All you have to do is keep running, and you can close a gate and get a reccommendation all in the same day.

So when she's done with her meaningless mage's guild task for the day ("I can't write you a recommendation out of hand. You have to solve my personal problems first!"), and pawned all those useless potions, she stuffs herself on venison and pears and then beds down for at least 8 hours.

Long term plans? Who knows? Dropping bandits and marauders is fun, but she wouldn't enjoy it if they didn't deserve it. She doesn't like those creepy dungeons the fighter's guild is always crawling through. She's thinking of this guy she met on the waterfront. He said he might have some special jobs for her if she can prove she's good at "collecting" stuff. And if she can stick it to the people who tossed her into prison on a whim, so much the better!


Hank, on the other hand, is having an extended psychotic episode. Every day he wakes up at the same ungodly hour behind the Flowing Bowl, surrounded by magic portals. Every day is the same day--every morning he starts the same day over again. But every day doesn't proceed the same from there. He goes into a magic portal, and explores a different world. But its subtly different from when he explored it before. He's learned there are no rewards and no consequences--he can do whatever he likes, but he won't benefit from it at all. All that he learns will be forgotten, all that he earns or steals will be lost, all that he destroys will be renewed.

Hank lives in his own private Hell, and will never escape until the new world is finished.

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Aeil wakes up and dons his ceremonial white robe. Then he gets a status report from his fellow Pale Knight Cog Rein. Once he's been briefed on the castles affairs he eats his breakfast wich is whatever the stuard has prepared. Once he has eaten he suits up into his armor and heads to the catles lower section. Once there he spars with Maeva and Elenya the newest members of the Knights Templar. Once he has trained the recruits he, Cog, and Tamara head towards Anvil to pick up a few supplies. Once they are prepared they head to the surrounding ruins to clear out the menaces of the marauders, bandits, and local unliving forces. After a long day of fighting for the people protection Aeil travels to Fallenleaf Everglade to meditate and. Once he has cleared his mind at the water he heads back to his castle to drop off his collected equipment, sleep and start his rutine over again the next day and should he find any infernal gates to oblivion in his travels he makes sure to shut them down. Every so often he visits his younger sister in the Chorrol mages guild and speak with his friend Modren Oryen at the fighters guild.
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Hank, on the other hand, is having an extended psychotic episode. Every day he wakes up at the same ungodly hour behind the Flowing Bowl, surrounded by magic portals. Every day is the same day--every morning he starts the same day over again. But every day doesn't proceed the same from there. He goes into a magic portal, and explores a different world. But its subtly different from when he explored it before. He's learned there are no rewards and no consequences--he can do whatever he likes, but he won't benefit from it at all. All that he learns will be forgotten, all that he earns or steals will be lost, all that he destroys will be renewed.

Hank lives in his own private Hell, and will never escape until the new world is finished.



My character usually spends early mornings working for the Mages Guild. (He's just finished all the reccommendations, so he'll need to take a trip to the Imperial City) At around 8 he throws up a Sun Shield and does what shopping and other activities he needs, then goes to sleep. In the evening he and his companion finish off any tasks that require him to go outside. He makes use of the Mages Guild Guides' teleportation services a lot (Having turned most of the ones who would be asleep into vampires so the late-night calls don't trouble them, though it makes them hard to track down sometimes), but if necessary, he and his companion start whatever traveling is needed at around 10 or 11 PM. The remainder of the night is usually spent raising funds for their long-time aspiration, establishing a safe vampire lair in a city.

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My character is a Battlemage style character right now, i felt like making a jake of all trades type this time around, for the past year ive specialized in one area or another in several characters so this one is a bit of a change for me.


A typical day starts out with my female character heading over to an area im working on in a mod and testing it out.


Repeat 30 or 40 times.

Thats it, thats what my character does most of the time.


When i actually get time to play, i try and hang out in kvatch and enjoy the city since it has more detail than any other city in the game and is fun to live in. Either that or im on some crusade to explore various ruins and caves for specific items needed for something uber im making for my character.


Being a mod maker makes my games a little different from other peoples :)

But i dont cheat, if i need 5 silver, i go and find 5 silver the hard way.



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Catti has to run back to the sewers everyday to place her makeup on and then run back to the filmscene where they are waiting for her, so they can start the filming. Everyday, "Catti, hun can you swing your sword more dramatically?", she swears if she hears that one more time she'll poke the director in the gullet with her dagger and make him squeal! "Cut, Cut, Cut! D#$@, you're suppose to blast her with a mind blast, not a fireball!"

After a rigorous daily schedule of filming she'll take walks in the mushroom forests or take midnight swims in the nearby lake and stay at nearby Inn buried in the ground nearby. Each day is like this, for Cattie, until they finished this project here.


You got it, she's a model, uh, mod model ... in progress :)

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