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LOOT v0.12.4 oldrim / masterlist


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i seen that you need a file/program TLS.1 or TLS.2 and that you also need SP1 installed for the TLS programs to have loot properly update masterslist. I have both, i can't get LOOT to update masters list. LOOT will still sort my load order, there no chance i want to utilize that feature, i would like loot to inform me of mods that need cleaning though. Anyone know what i'm missing here?

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There have been quite a few posts on this topic in the last week or two. If your OS is Windows10 you do not need to worry about it. Otherwise you need to get the MicrosoftEasyFix 51044. If you have SP1 and keep you Windows up to date you probably already have TLS.1 and TLS.2 which were included in updates for Windows7 SP1 some time ago. I you go to the page where you can download the updates for TLS.1 and 2 and scroll down to the bottom of that page you will see the download button for the EasyFix, just download that and run it.

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will try, i read you have to have this, and you have this for that, i'm not a computer person by default. i do recall seeing the fix you suggest and i thought, no i want have it the right, like i know what that is anyways.forgot about fix, no that you mention it i will give it a go. will report back if fixed, thank you

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