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My list of ideas


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-Adaptive sounds (Underwater sound/music distortion, Cave echoes, etc)

-Cats,rats and other animals in cities (just to make the cities a bit more lively) Rats and Other Critters by Captain Lhurgoyf

-Bow gun (But with a more Skyrim kinda touch)

-Lances, Spears and Halberds (with Piercing animations, 2Handed and of course usable for NPCs to)

-Jump while sprinting

-Jump attacks (using an attack in the air instead of landing in an ordinary way)

-Dodging (with Shift + left/right/backward)

-Enchantment Surge (Use a special attack depending on the weapon's enchantment, 2H/1H, Sword/ Axe/ Hammer by pressing a certain button, costs more 5~10 times more charge)

-Elemental Bound Weapons (Fire, Ice, Lightning)

-Elemental Turrets (Just a floating orb which shoots fire,ice lasers like those from midas magic and lightning bolts when enemies come in certain range of the turret)

-Elemental Grenades (Timed or Impact, and should be in spells list)

-Kick (even when you have sword and shield, and it should be able to stagger the enemy just like a shield bash but it should go through any block)


This are my ideas for Skyrim mods.

Feel free to use them

I made my ideas as lore friendly as i can because i don't like when you they add these fancy skimpy clothes etc.

I like to have skyrims combat to become more tactical and more skill based then stat based

Edited by Alphablaster
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I like the rats in the city one, I'll have a look to see if its already out there



seems like there is already one, they got rats

but the cats don't look very cat-like, actually it's just a mini saber cat

but it seems there are not many new character models that are fully handmade, it would be kind of hard to i guess

Edited by Alphablaster
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