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Do you need permission to release changes to another mod?


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So i made an NPC overhaul for a town mod to make some of the NPCs look subjectively better with eye and hair mods. My mod/overhaul still requires the original mod and doesn't include any of their assets, only a modified versions of their esp and the files I have permission for already and the files i've made myself.


The reason i ask is because I've messaged the person already and it;'s been 3 weeks. They've logged on since then, but it seems like they just don't communicate at all.


So then I started wondering if permissions were actually needed in this case since the original mod is a hard requirement and my mod wouldn't work without it otherwise. I've guessing I still do need permission, but at this point I'm out of options because I don't think this person is ever going to message me. I wont say their name or the mod's name because I want to respect their privacy.

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