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[LE] Leveling up one level at a time ! !


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This might be a moot issue, but this mod is claiming to be able to get around the training issue by letting you train according to whatever level you are * 5 - the amount of times you've trained.

so if you trained twice at level one, then leveled up, you can train 8 times at level 2. ((2 * 5) - 2 = 8)

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  • 7 years later...

apparently, there is no known way to accomplish this. really, it is the leveling system that needs modification

i've found out that it's impossible to purchase a trainer early in the game to train before leveling, because purchasing five training/skill sessions will just bump you up to the next level. for the first fifteen levels, you'll just be buying training sessions and leveling

Edited by hamoo
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  • 4 weeks later...

While there's no mod that does this, I've found a way to just circumvent the problem.




Simply download this mod and use the optional file that uncap's leveling.


This way you can just level up at your own pace, and not have to worry about holding off leveling until you train. Takes alot of stress off your playthrough and make's it much more reasonable way to spend gold in the end game.

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