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[LE] Moving a building from Skyrim to Enderal


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Hi Guys,

I hope someone can help me here as I'm at a bit of a loss, I fell in love with Ithlia's Fort Highwood years ago and it became a fixture in my world, I have since taken a walk through Enderal and love the place to bits... so I needed to transport my home to Enderal to enjoy it fully.


I constructed a new fort in Enderal and targeted Fort Highwood as the interior.

The problem I have is a bit like Hotel California, I can check in anytime but I can never leave... the game crashes! all of the interior is there as Ithlia only used Skyrim meshes and I though I used Enderal outside doors there doesn't seem to be a problem there, I went in and out in the CK through both top and bottom doors and they target the correct places, the only problem is in game!


I hope you (being someone) can help


As ever Pete

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