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Need a script? Maybe I can help.


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I thought the ability/spell thing wouldn't matter either but for the perk it really does seem to, changed them to spells and the perk was no longer applying the effect. Maybe it was something else about how I have it set up though. Anyhow I figured it out, what I did was set a condition on the first ability to only apply its effect (which has the first script) if the player does not have rank 2 of the perk. So basically the effects of rank 1 end when you get rank 2. Rank 2's script does the same stuff as rank 1 + a little more, so its all good and I m not getting debug messages form both scripts anymore! wooo!
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Big thanks fg! With your advice I was able to pull off this awesome mod. Got all my OnUpdates working and token activating. Wish I had more kudos to give ya.

you never asked me for help :0 lol


but dun worry, I gave an extra set of kudos to fg for you :P

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Uh oh, I started trying to work on another perk I wanted to make and when I added it to the perk tree for one handed and went into my game nothing shows up for one handed and my game crashes whenever I try to look at it, also nothing shows up for the one handed perk tree in the creation kit. All I was trying to do was add a perk that does for one handed players what dual flurry does for dual wielders. I don't think it was anything to do with the perk itself, probably just where or how I added it to the perk tree.
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I need a much simpler script ( At least , it seems so ) than what everybody else have been asking for.



Okay , I'll phrase it like this:


I have a certain Activator type object. I also have a certain Container. I need a script that makes it so whenever the Activator object is being hit by a specific spell by the player ( For example, a Firebolt spell ) , the specific Container will open and show it's content to the player. ( And of course will be capable of having whatever items are in taken out of it , and closed afterwards , just like any container ). That is all i need for a mod i am making , I will much appreciate it if you help me with this and i will also include your name as a full co-creator. Thank you.


Notes for clarification purposes:


Both the activator and the container will be in the same Worldspace , however the container will be outside of the player's reach. So the player will hit the activator with a spell , be shown the container's item list , pick whatever he wants from there , and close the list. Without actually seeing or directly opening the container ( for example , a Draugr Chest ).


My container is going to re-fill itself after emptied , so the script should be made so that the action can be repeated infinitely. ( I.E - shoot activator , take items from list , close list , shoot it again , get the list again , take items again , close again.... ) I'm just pointing this out because i know some scripts work as a one-of-a-time event , and stop responding after having been activated once by the player. So as said , this isn't the case here.

Edited by VanyarElf
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Thanks for the video, but the script just isn't taking effect. Made a custom effect and everything, but the script just won't work, no matter what I do. It just doesn't apply the script afterwards. Is there something I can add to the script so that it will take effect when the spell hits?
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If you haven't already, check out the tutorials on the CK wiki. This one in particular seems to be what you're looking for.





Set the chest as the linked ref of your activator, and put this script on the activator:



Scriptname Example extends ObjectReference

Spell Property CustomSpell Auto

Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked)
if (akSource == CustomSpell) && (akAggressor == Game.GetPlayer())



The "CustomSpell" would be whatever spell is supposed to open the chest.





As I showed on the video, I could make it work with the script I provided you. If you did the same thing, but didn't get the same results, I really don't know what to say.

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Well thanks for all the help you did provide. Now I've got a really cool looking spell that does nothing. :P I might just put a high damage value and tell people "you need to have above X health to survive the fight" if I even release it at all.. Or I might just scrap the .esp and do a re-build from scratch, see if that works.


EDIT: Scrapped the .esp, and will try again once I've cleared my head a little - this time I'll follow your steps EXACTLY and see if it works. Thanks so much for your time!

Edited by avenger404
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You can find a list of all animation events by loading up the Creation Kit and then going through the menus:


Gameplay -> Animations -> Actors\Characters\Behaviors\0_Master.hkx


Then checking the animation events in the drop down menu to the right. For more information about scripting and animations, consider reading these three threads.





Give the player an ability. The ability should have a magic effect, with the condition "IsSneaking == 1". The script attached to the magic effect will run every time the player starts sneaking.

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