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Everything posted by avenger404

  1. A little clarification as to what you still need for your desired effect would be extremely helpful. Are you working on a companion NPC or a helper you summon via conjuration or some other spell? I'm also not sure what you mean where you need a spell to do damage?
  2. Just realized now I completely forgot to thank IsharaMeradin and Darkxenoth for their help last time, thank you so much - it works beautifully now! I wrote myself into a scripting wall again, and have no idea what's going wrong this time. The script loads with no errors, but shows no evidence of executing ingame. I'm attempting to partially override an NPC's specific combat behavior by directly using a script. To simplify I want it to equip and cast certain combat spells at varying percentages of its health as the battle goes on. Fair warning the script is quite messy, so optimization help would be greatly appreciated. *EDIT* - I forgot to add the addspell and removespell commands to every event. Is this necessary or not? The NPC has none of these spells normally equipped.I'm wondering if elseif's could be used instead of them all being separate events? I'm also wondering if the script should be tied directly to a quest to have a better chance of it working, or if it can be attached directly the the NPC to override its combat style all the time? If this is too big a question to post here, notify me and I'll remove this post. Should any who can help wish it, proper credit will be given if this mod ever gets uploaded.
  3. Hi all, trying to get back into the modding game, and pretty much forgot everything I knew about scripting. I know I'm missing a relatively small thing that's preventing this from working, but I can't make this scripted spell function. The effect of the spell is set to "script", and the script is added, but it won't function ingame. The script is as follows. It compiles fine with no errors detected. Not sure what I'm missing. Scriptname namehere extends activemagiceffect {Event OnEffectStart (Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Target.GetAV ("Health" -1) Target.DamageAV ("Health")EndEvent}
  4. Okay, so this is probably a really quick question (I searched and couldn't find any answers already). How do I make a specific custom boss-style monster spawn at a specific level? I have a dragon boss I want to spawn in a specific location when the player reaches level 40, but I'm unsure of how to do it. Do I need to script, or somehow add conditions to the spawn? Help would be much appreciated :) Also: if somebody with scripting experience could tell me how to display an in-game message when the player is of the eligible level to take on this boss, that would be fantastic! What I mean is once the player levels up to level 40, an in-game popup appears, telling them to head to this location to fight the dragon. Thanks in advance to whomever helps with this!
  5. Funny you should mention that! I'm still working with FRAPS, so I'm working on one, and it should be out within a few days, depending on how easy it is to move my video clips to my computer with the video editor... Just so you know, my mod does have a potential quest branch in it, which would involve the Thalmor trying to resurrect the Dwemer. The idea I'm going for is 1 thalmor mage making Dwemer prototypes, which goes awry and the prototype soldier starts creating new soldiers to guard the Dwemer ruins. This is all I have so far for the storyline, but if you want to implement it to this collaboration, I'd be okay with that.
  6. Okay: Trying again. Another question: is it possible to make multiple runes be enabled simultaneously, be on a timer, and be disabled then re-enabled later on (by the same spell to re-enable them?) I ask this because it's apparently impossible for NPC's to place runes...
  7. Well thanks for all the help you did provide. Now I've got a really cool looking spell that does nothing. :P I might just put a high damage value and tell people "you need to have above X health to survive the fight" if I even release it at all.. Or I might just scrap the .esp and do a re-build from scratch, see if that works. EDIT: Scrapped the .esp, and will try again once I've cleared my head a little - this time I'll follow your steps EXACTLY and see if it works. Thanks so much for your time!
  8. Thanks for the video, but the script just isn't taking effect. Made a custom effect and everything, but the script just won't work, no matter what I do. It just doesn't apply the script afterwards. Is there something I can add to the script so that it will take effect when the spell hits?
  9. Hey Just got your message on here! I'll do what I can, although I must admit the majority of scripting is above my head, but I'm trying to learn... Did you like any of my bosses enough to import them to your mod, or do you have different ideas where my bosses are?
  10. What spell did you modify? Or did you create a new one? Cause I'm trying to modify a copy of Chain lightning ( like the effects, should I create my own and add scripts to that?) The spell works properly, but the script is NOT taking effect. It's just applying the damage created in the spell menu where you add the MGEF's. The script is not being applied. I put the script in the MGEF section correct?
  11. I can type whatever I want (within script parameters), and it'll save just fine, but won't take effect. If I add the effect archetype to "script" the npc just plain won't use it. He'd rather use his fists than the spell (that doesn't work, only does 1 damage, not max - 1). Confused...
  12. For the spell, script has no errors, but I'm guessing I'll need properties for the script to take effect; any thoughts there? Currently the spell does only the damage of whatever <mag> I set to it, and the script doesn't take effect.
  13. Ooone more question. (still getting grief over your last advice. It still doesn't think the faction is defined. Will try again tomorrow to make absolutely sure...) Is there any way you can script the exact damage of the spell? Aka: the damage = creature/player's current max health -1? So the damage would change for one spell dependant on who the boss was targeting? EDIT: Gonna just try from scratch - this is getting really annoying. Thanks for your help thusfar. Will follow everything to the letter and see if it works, but the above question still stands, because I'd like to know if this is possible?
  14. It's gonna fight with me to the bitter end. Only 1 error this time... ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 1 Scriptname PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F Extends Package Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(Actor akActor) ;BEGIN CODE akActor.SetFactionRank(TestFaction1, 0) akActor.EvaluatePackage() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT And the error Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F"... c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F.psc(8,23): variable TestFaction1 is undefined No output generated for PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F Hope this is the last one! So sorry about this!
  15. Nothing. Here's the modified script again, followed by the error list. Have to go to work, but will check afterwards. So sorry this is being so picky. This is in the "Package window:Begin/End/Change Tab: On End papyrus fragment" section. It may have to be moved, which could be the issue. ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 1 Scriptname PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F Extends Package Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(Actor akActor) ;BEGIN CODE akActor.SetFactionRank(000TestFaction1, 1) akActor.EvaluatePackage() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT Followed by the Compiler errors Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F"... c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F.psc(8,26): missing RPAREN at 'TestFaction1' c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F.psc(8,38): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ',' c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F.psc(8,41): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')' No output generated for PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F Whatever the error is, it's consistent with all the spells I'm trying to script. Thanks again for all your help thusfar...
  16. ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment ;NEXT FRAGMENT INDEX 1 Scriptname PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F Extends Package Hidden ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_0 Function Fragment_0(Actor akActor) ;BEGIN CODE akActor.SetFactionRank(000TestFaction1)1 akActor.EvaluatePackage() ;END CODE EndFunction ;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment Fixed everything but the "RPAREN" order. the error is displayed as follows: Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F"... c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F.psc(8,26): extraneous input 'TestFaction1' expecting RPAREN No output generated for PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F Not sure what I'm missing, but sounds relatively simple, at least! Thanks for your time! PS: All the spellscripts have the exact same error messages, so I think I might have mis-typed something, but not sure what...
  17. For the script with step 3, Creation kit doesn't want to compile it. Am I doing something wrong? I've added the condition directly to the procedure branch, and added the script fragment into the "On End" tab. I get the following compiling errors... Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F"... c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F.psc(8,27): missing RPAREN at 'TestFaction1' c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F.psc(8,39): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ',' c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F.psc(8,42): required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input ')' No output generated for PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on PF_NomadHealingSpell1_01001D9F Is this normal, or what did I do wrong? Will it work still? Sorry I'm such a moron, I'm doing my best to follow your steps as directly as possible... EDIT: Tried it in-game, and it turns out ALL he's using is the first spell, and some sort of healing effect appears to happen, although not near as much as intended... I'm assuming this would be due to the papyrus fragment issues. I'll look at it again tomorrow, and see if I can fix my own mistakes. Thank you so much for the help you've already given - I'd have no clue where to start on my own!
  18. I tried doing exactly this - and he does 1 of 2 things in-game. Nothing, or casts his highest damage spell repeatedly, and nothing else. Any other thoughts? I'm pretty sure I'll need to script some of it. Only 2 of the spells should be unscripted (aka: use magicka & require a startup time for dramatic effect. The one weaker spell he uses frequently can be fine with just the script animation. But the healing and the switch to melee need to be scripted I'm pretty sure. Any ideas?
  19. Any chance that I could script a fight? It's a little specific, so I'll do what I can to explain... (the fight revolves 99% around magic spells) Step 1: Cast a certain spell 5 times (spell 1) Step 2: After 5 successful casts of spell 1, cast spell 2 (enables a bunch of really powerful runes on the floor, or just casts them himself (5-8x unique runes) Step 3: After successful cast of spell 2, cast spell 1 5x times. Step 4: After successful casts of spell 1, cast spell 3 (preferably he'd run to a certain area in the room he's in (will be only 1 area), and cast the spell at the player, or wait until the player is in range) Step 5: After successful cast of spell 3, cast spell 1 5x times. Step 6: After successful casts of spell 1, shout ice form on player (infinite version) Step 7: After successful shout, cast spell 4. Step 8: Repeat this procedure endlessly until he is at 1/4 health. (or player leaves) Step 9: At 1/4 health, heal up to 3/4 again. Step 10: Repeat steps 1-7 until he is at 1/4 health. Step 11: At 1/4 health, pull out a weapon and start attacking with melee until dead. If you can help with this, that'd be fantastic! I created a procedure package for steps 1-7, tried implementing it as a combat override, and it didn't work. If you could write a script (feel free to call spells (X,Y,Z or something like that) and just show me how to write something like this, that would help immensely. I have no idea what I'm doing when I try to script (I don't know terminology or anything, so any help you could give would be invaluable! Thanks for your time!
  20. If this is still going, I don't know if any of you have seen my mod on adding bossfights to the main storyline, if you want me to help in the combat department, I'd be more than willing! I am quite new at modding, so I'd need a little bit more time than some to do simple things, but I think I've got some decent ideas for interesting and challenging bossfights. Here's the link to my mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13238 I was also asked to create some "bosses" for the civil war storyline as well, so if you wanted me to do that as part of this, I'd enjoy that :)
  21. I have an idea, and no idea how to go about making it a reality. I'm planning on making significant additions to the main storyline quest in Skyrim, and I need help with scripting. I have minimal experience along with a minimal understanding of how to script, let alone script in Papyrus, so I need serious help. ----------------------------------------MOD SPOILERS TO FOLLOW---------------------------------------------- I'm planning on creating a "waves" effect to the final battle with Alduin in Sovngarde. I'll start at the beginning of where my modifications begin. Once you've defeated Tsun, you will enter the Hall of Valor. There you will meet the 3 heroes, along with 6 new heroes to help you with the final battle (making 10 total). I'll need some help in figuring out how to script the 6 new NPCs to follow the group outside, and, help out with the final fight with Alduin. I want the modified battle to play out like this: 1: You and the heroes run to the bridge, the 4 dragonborns stand on the stairs, with the 6 new npc's standing behind them. 2: The dragonborns shout to clear the fog. 3: Alduin shouts back, and once the fog reappears, a horde of Draugr are spawned in the mist to attack. 4: Once the Draugr are defeated, the dragonborns shout again. 5: Alduin shouts again, this time spawning a horde of daedra (Dremoras, atronarchs, etc...) 6: Once the second horde is defeated, the 3rd shout happens; clearing the fog. 7: Alduin flies in to begin battle, and 8 dragon priests are spawned, along with *POSSIBLY* 1 or 2 ancient dragons 8: The battle continues until Alduin is dead. (Would be nice if I could script any living dragon priests to die once Alduin is defeated) Basically what I want to know is how hard is it to accomplish this? Be as in-depth and simplified in explanations as possible, as I am extremely new to modding. Any help would be Greatly appreciated! I have a basic image showing where I would want everything to spawn. But I want the spawns to be timed to certain events (so they don't all spawn at once, and also to make sure nothing hostile is spawned when you first enter Sovngarde)
  22. aaron: Thank you for your advice. How exactly would I go about making a custom outfit?
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