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Getting my marks


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So, after a few years in the corps, I decided that I should be like everyone else and get some tally marks, one for every confirmed kill of mine. After counting, I'm getting 13 of them, and they're going to line both of my arms, and above the tallies I'm getting the USMC symbol, on both arms. I'm getting them when I go home, whenever that is.


My father was in the corps, as was my grandfather and my great grandfather, so it runs in the family, and they all got tallies, so there's another reason I'm getting mine. My wife, however, doesn't approve. She thinks it's mindless and being proud of killing people.


I'm not proud of taking 13 lives from this world, nor will I ever be proud. Getting them is showing military experience, the more the tallies, the better you are on the field. Surprisingly, commanders and generals look for tallies when deciding positions for units every deployment. I've been stuck with spotter forever, so hopefully these tallies get me a better field position.

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