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What variable controlls this lighting property? (see pictures)


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Could someone help me identify what exactly controls this lighting property and how to modify it? I have attached identical areas in their respective games for Oldrim and Special Edition for the purpose of illuminating (pun intended) the differences in lighting.


Notice the brightness on the banners for Oldrim



The sun, if godrays are disabled, now looks like a bright moon in SE



I have always loved this cave light effect, but it looks very dull in SE




As you can tell, SE uses different lighting from Oldrim. SE lighting is duller and softer, even if only by a little. This is not bad or good. I just wish to get it to look like Oldrim lighting. I just need to know what variable controls the brightness in these photos.

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As for the sun. I ended up editing my own sun glare textures to get it to look the way I wanted.

What do you mean by this? The sun will need more than just a bloom adjustment in order to look like the Oldrim one?


Also, thanks for the direction. I looked around a little in an attempt to pinpoint the exact .ini setting that controls bloom; but alas, it seems like a frequently asked yet still unanswered question. Or maybe someone knows but they don't want to say what the .ini setting is.


I will keep looking.

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Thanks for the hand holding, Willoughbian :3 I saw that post, but when I compared "fGlobalBloomThresholdBoost" to the Skyrim INI master list page you linked, I didn't see it and the page claims to have all INI settings listed. So I thought it didn't exist, or is it that the SE .ini contains it but the Oldrim .ini doesn't? Come to think of it, that was kind of dumb of me to just hand wave it away.


At any rate, I'll be testing in the meanwhile!

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