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Skyrim Library and in game wiki


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Does anyone have the ability to create a library where we can find ALL of the books in Skyrim? I know that there is at least a boook tied to a quest, may be you can do it in a way that the books cannot be taken out of the library building?


My other request is about the possibility of adding the Skyrim prima guide so they can be accessed from within the game.


I don´t have the knowledge to do these, so i leave the post here in case some of you gifted guys has the will and patience to do them.

thank you all great modders!

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I could do a library of all the books but I probably couldn't tell people not to take them


It was precisely yesterday when i found the library at the mage college in winterhold. But the shelves are locked for the moment being. These things happen, as i haven´t played the whole game yet. I don´t know if it contanis ALL of the existing books, though -apart from tghose that obviously aren´t there due to quest requirements


Thank you anyway and take the idea if you feel like it

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