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Skyrim Aim =(


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ive been playing skyrim for a while, but the one thing i dont like about the game is the little target aim thing, is there a way someone could change the color of it? i can barley see it when im using bow, and i get killed because of it.the so-called auto aim mod is 101% useless. is there a way someone could like change the color to something bright like red? the original one was clear/see though
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Retexturing not an armor or a weapon, but the crosshair? Is that possible?

i wouldnt know. im not a modder but however, someone did a mod for the crosshair/target aim/whatever its called. for the Auto-aim mod (which is not what it says) so i dont know. but yeah it might be a stupid question. or it might be a easy mod that takes 10 mins.

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