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[Idea] Food condenser


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After looting nutrient block from the Aurora, and realizing how much better they are than any other food item I had, I decided to look into whether or not they were craftable, and was disappointed to find out they weren't. I would like to see a mod that adds a machine that can be built in bases that can take calorie-based items like the Bio Reactor can, but instead of making energy, it grinds them and condenses them into nutrient rich bars.

This could potentially be made compatible with SNHardcorePlus if it included options for differently sized blocks of food, but the only devices that I know about that use a menu that could maybe be adapted to that are the Fabricator, Modding Station, and Vehicle Bay, which all use direct items instead of some kind of stored "currency," so I don't know if that's easily achievable.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This exists now. Sort of. Custom Food. You can change the config file to make the value of the "cakes" match the Nutrient bars, or even make them better.


They can be adjusted any way you like really. So you can make it a cheat that fills your water and food values, or something that is more reasonable that fits in with the game.

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I was disappointed to see that it wasn't an option somehow. Like two reginald + some ingredient = nutrient block from the fabricator. Would've made sense.


Do you have the latest update? You can customize the recipes now in the config file, so you actually can do that if you want. Though I'm not sure if you can set it up to use more than two ingredients. So one Reginald and one whatever can make a food block. You can even name it whatever you want.


You can also change the food/water values, so you can make something that is exactly the same as the Nutrient Bock if that is your preference, or you can make a cheat food item that completely fills both your food and water.


I used it to make Melon and Lantern Fruit Juice and set it to 50/50 for food and water. It saves a lot of inventory space as I'm using a single slot for both food and water and it makes farming even more useful as the juices and cakes don't spoil so you don't have to eat them right away.


I also have it set up to make Reginald Cakes as well as using Large Filtered Water from my filter machine for the juices.

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