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Vortex Read ENOTCONN Error

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When i start up Vortex after installing Vortex i get the read ENOTCONN error 2 times folowed by a StartUp failed Error. I have experienced this problem since version 0.13.1 and it is just annoying. Please help me fix this problem. I just want to try vortex, is that to much to ask for?


Two image of the problem is attached to this post

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My professional opinion based on those screenshots:

There is something seriously odd about your system.


The left one indicates electron can't open a file that is part of the file bundle - I have no clue how that's even possible. Even if I wanted to reproduce this I'd have to either change code or manually edit the asar file bundled with Vortex.


The right one indicates that Vortex can't connect to a process it started itself, the most likely reason is opening the process is prevented in the first place.



Can you think of anything on your system that would differentiate it from a regular windows install? Do you have restrictive group policies or a very tight permission setup that could prevent Vortex from starting a new process? Are you running stuff in VMs or have you placed Vortex on a network drive or somesuch?


What Windows version are you running? What AV?

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Can you think of anything on your system that would differentiate it from a regular windows install? Do you have restrictive group policies or a very tight permission setup that could prevent Vortex from starting a new process? Are you running stuff in VMs or have you placed Vortex on a network drive or somesuch?


What Windows version are you running? What AV?

I can't think of anything what woud make my windows drifferent. I am running the latest version of windows 10 pro: v: 1709 build 16299. my AV is McAfee and Malwarebytes.

I used the one click installer and have used the custom installer to see if it was becaus of the progams folder but that dit not work. I have the default windows restrictive group policies. this is the reason why i wrote this post, becaus i can not finde any reason to why it does not work. (it works on my laptop where the only drifferens is that it uses windows home.)

dont know if it might help byt her is my specs for my pc.

I7- 4790K @ 4.8 GHz

MIS Z97 Gaming 9 AC

Nvidia Geforce gtx 1080 (asus strix gaming)

samsung 840 EVO ssd( the drive i installed vortex on)


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