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How to force Fallout 3 to use NV uppercut and cross animations?


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What I want to do is use Fallout NV unarmed uppercuts and crosses in Fallout 3. I extracted the Fallout NV animations and put them in the respective Fallout 3 folders. This made Fallout 3 use the NV versions of the animations that it already called for (basic punches and power attacks), but I don't know how to make the game put the uppercuts and crosses into the punching animation cycle since it doesn't know about them. Is there a script or something somewhere that controls the punching cycle?


Please help.





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Well, I figured out you can't just rename an animation in windows and try to replace another animation with it. The game won't use it. There must be some kind of file header you have to edit or something.


Indeed; you have to open the .kf with nifskope and change the NiControllerSequence name as well.

Edited by Heffy
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Ah, thanks! Say, do you have any idea why replacing some of the meshes caused the sounds for those animations to stop working? I replaced 1h melee, 2h melee and unarmed. The 2h melee seems to work fine and the power fist in unarmed works fine, but regular unarmed punching or punching with knuckles has no "whiff" sound. It still makes noise on impact with something. I looked in the GECK and noticed that a lot of weapons don't have sounds assigned to them but they still work. I tried assigning the "whiff" sound to Fists in the GECK, but that didn't do anything. Is the information for the sound effect embedded in the mesh itself or something?
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Okay, I replaced 2 of the 4 existing regular punches with the uppercut and cross and also figured out how to fix the sounds. I really wanted to ADD two more punches to the cycle instead of replacing them, but I don't know how or if it's even possible.
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