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Need someone to generate face data for NPCs

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So, I released Rank and File (my secretive project that I've hinted at on the Images section in the Nexus Mods section) for Oldrim, but I also wish to port it to Newrim (plus console). My CK, however, keeps crashing when I try to do this. What I am asking is for someone to generate the face data for NPCs for me. I do not want to release a mod plagued with the gray face bug.


Any takers? Shouldn't take too long, hopefully.



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Yes. I know. I guess I could've worded it better, but still. That is what I am trying to do, but it keeps crashing. I am hoping someone will help, because it seems my CK is incapable of such a simple task.

Edited by kvatchcount
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Did you get this figured out?


No, I have not figured it out yet, but thanks for asking.



If it keeps crashing the problem is more than just the grey face issue. Likely you have an asset in your mod that is being troublesome in SSE.

No, that's not the problem. I have converted plenty of mods in SSE CK. Ik for a fact that my CK refuses to generate the amount of NPCs I have in my current mod that I wish to port. Can't get around that either.. gives me conniptions.


Ill find a way though, since no one volunteered... I always find a way.

Edited by kvatchcount
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I'm guessing here that maybe you're selecting all the actors (in the mod?) and exporting their facedata, correct? Have you tried only selecting maybe 20-50 at a time, then export, select the next 20-50, export, rinse and repeat... ? Maybe the CK is just getting taxed with all those NPCs. Lowing the total number of exported facedata could maybe reduce the load.

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