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Employers asking for Facebook account details.


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Just say no. If they insist, you really don't want to work for them anyway. And as a former employer, I wouldn't want anyone working for me that would willingly hand over personal information. If they do that, there is a good possibility they would hand over confidential work details to someone who demanded them with no legal documentation.


BTW, My business was a security company where per state law, every employee, including the receptionist and janitor, had to pass a background security screening before they could be employed.


Absolutely agree there.


Oddly enough, I was required by law for my previous job to have an Enhanced Criminal Records Check, which came back totally clean, yet the said employer still tried to browbeat all employees into having a Facebook account so that (a) they could spy on us and (b) so that we could visit the Facebook page of the egomaniac owner and fall down and worship. Fellow Nexus members who know me will be able to imagine what my reply to that was (a series of rather unrepeatable Anglo Saxon words).


I still don't have a Facebook account, I refuse to enter into that circus, and if I was asked the question by a prospective employer as to whether I did have one I would say as much. I would decline any requests for login details to anything very firmly with an "Absolutely not!", if they were insistent I would get up and walk out and be on the cellphone to my union rep before I was out of the door.

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I don't have a Facebook account. As a self avowed tin-foil hat wearer, I never really understood the appeal. On that note, the idea that you have to give up your usernames and passwords to a potential employer so that they can spy on your account info is disgusting. How this could possibly be legal is beyond me.
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I used to have one, but it was banned because I supposedly lied about what school I go to because I didn't accept friends from there. If I wanted to talk to them, I could talk to them at school, you dappy machine!



Sounds like something I would reply with, lmao.

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