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$Menu $Load $Save Dollar signs everywhere


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I believe this is an issue with SkyUI and is listed in the description on the Skyrim Nexus DL page.


EDIT: Here's a copy\ paste from SkyUI page on Nexus:


Problem: There are dollar signs ($) in front of all words in the main menu (and in lots of other places, too)!


This happens if you accidently removed Data/Interface/Translate_*.txt.

The downloaded SkyUI archive contains an original version of that file in SkyUI Extras/Original Translates/. So just copy the file matching your language from there back to Data/Interface/.

Edited by fms1
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Not just SkyUI. Any mod that affects the interface.


You actually have to go back to the mod you got the translation you removed from. Eg, you got it from SkyUI, so you head to the download page for that and get the translation.

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Not just SkyUI. Any mod that affects the interface.


You actually have to go back to the mod you got the translation you removed from. Eg, you got it from SkyUI, so you head to the download page for that and get the translation.


Yes, but even if you didn't back it up, this mod comes with a copy of the original translate file.

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  • 3 years later...
  • 6 years later...

LOL. Okay guys... same issue.. same solution... but WHY I had the issue is as follows:



YOU MUST CONFIGURE THE MO2 BSA-Packer PLUGIN TO DO THE JOB PROPERLY! Out of the box, it ignores text files.


So what I did was, unpacked SkyUI from BSA it comes in, to loose files. Some of these are text files.


I then integrated the supporting mods, "flashing savegames fix" and the "wider (fullscreen) MCM menu", each of which just replaces a single file from SkyUI.


Sidenote: When you want to use 300+ mods in Skyrim and every one of them has one or two or three supporting mods/patches/fixes/requirements, you get into the habit of streamlining things where you can. Anyway,


By default, the BSA packer did not put back the text files (which is config.txt and ALL the localization files). I didn't notice this, and deleted the loose files after creating the BSA. With those localizations now missing, I got the dreaded dollar signs. After realizing what happened, I hunted down the plugin developer here on Nexus, and he let me know about the options I missed under Settings > Plugins > Tools > BSA-Packer - there is a "blacklisted files" setting and .txt is in there by default. Just erase .txt; and leave the rest. From now on BSA-Packer will re-assemble your BSAs properly and completely.



P.S. Yes, I super duper necro'd this thread from 2015 but you know what? It's still a problem in 2022 caused by the 2022 version of MO2.... and this thread was still the top search engine result, so anyone else having this problem is going to find it, 7 years later, hopefully my little addition saves SOMEONE a headache.

Edited by lufusol
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