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Data File Help


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Hi there i'm new to the site and just started modding. I have ran into a problem, none of the mods I download show up in the data files when i start the game the only thing under data files is "Skyrim.esm" but nothing else.

Thanks for any replies!!



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I think it could also depend on the types of mods. As far as I know, there are mods like texture replacers that do not actually have an .esp, but only files that you have to install. Maybe this is the case? If so, then all you have to do is copy the files and it will all work.
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When you're installing mods in esp/esm format, make sure you are placing them in the data folder located in your main skyrim installation directory. Typically, this is going to be located at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data"


Also, make sure that your skyrimprefs.ini file located in the Documents\My Games\Skyrim folder has the following line:


Once you've ensured those two things, you should be good to go.

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