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In medieval times, only the rich had outhouses...and they were little more than a small room tacked onto their houses held over a river with a hole in the bottom. Others would do their business in a bucket and chuck it out in the street at night or in the morning.


Sanitation? What is this devilry? :P

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In medieval times, only the rich had outhouses...and they were little more than a small room tacked onto their houses held over a river with a hole in the bottom. Others would do their business in a bucket and chuck it out in the street at night or in the morning.


Sanitation? What is this devilry? :P


<starts working on a mod to add a bucket to every player home>

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You call that slop bucket btw :P

I'd be surprised if any modders manage to put a slop bucket in every home. Imagine, cramp interior and a slop bucket ... Just wrong. I think those at Whiterun just go ever the river and s*** there. Feel kinda sorry for the ones taking a bath downstream :rolleyes:

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