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Robert's Male Body Replacer v5 with Oblivion Character Overhaul

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I was wondering if someone could help me set this up.


I followed the OCO steps to a t. First, I installed Robert's Male Body Replacer. Then OCO. Then finally the texture compatibility pack.


Everything works great.


However, is it possible to change the skeletons? Like, I don't want the default ones. I honestly like the Belly option more, with the lower body being 1a. However, whenever I move these files into the data folder, nothing happens. The characters all look the same, and when I take off my character's clothes, I can tell nothing changed because the underwear is the default.


Any tips? Or even alternatives? Thanks.


(I posted the same thing in Mod Talk before realizing it was the wrong section, sorry. New to this and idk how to delete it.)

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Download Roberts male BAIN to a folder and extract to that same folder. You will find a bunch of folders that start with 010 (e.g. 010 Belly Body Nude or 010 Belly Body Nude - Circumsized). If you want all males in the game to have that body then all you need to do is right click the Meshes folder that is inside the 010 level folder and select Copy from the right click menu. Navigate to your game's Oblivion\Data folder, right click on Data and select Paste from the right clcik menu. You should get a warning about there is already a folder named Meshes ... select Yes to All (more recent versions of Windows may change what's said in the dialogue, the key point is you want to overwrite all of the files that are contained in the Meshes folder and it's subfolders).


Since you already have OCO v2 installed (which means you must have Blockhead installed and working) so you may find my step by step instructions on how to give the player character a unique body interesting. Look back in the Roberts male mod comments to Dec 25 2016 to my replies to a post made by LordNoryam (currently 4 pages back in those comments). You may also want to look at my reply to Markie21157 made on Jan 30 2017.

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Wrye Bash is the best tool for installing mods in Oblivion (well except manual install ... I am a dinosaur at heart). WB is also the only way to get a bashed patch, which is required by some mods and is the simplest way to get large load orders playing nicely.


Have a look through Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html (both found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder after you've installed WB) ... everything I know about WB comes from there.

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(I posted the same thing in Mod Talk before realizing it was the wrong section, sorry. New to this and idk how to delete it.)



I took care of the other topic for you. For future reference, if you want a (misplaced) topic of your's moved/removed, just "report" your opening post and write your request as the reason. :thumbsup:

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