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First Person Book Reading Animations


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I have been searching for a reading mod that makes the player hold the book in their (visible) hands in first person, manually turning the page with their actual hand. This would of course include time passing normally in the surroundings.


I am aware of mods that allow you to see your body in first person, and others that make time pass normally in pause menus etc.


I have also tried the aforementioned kind of first person mod together with the idle animation of reading a book, sadly that made the book invisible.


The reason I would really love to see this mod made is that I want to start kind of an audio book project, recording myself reading different kinds of books from within the game world, with ambient sounds in the background, an animated first person view of the book being read, as well as superimposed pieces of concept art tied to the story of the book (added in post ofc).


Although this is mostly a project for the sake of my own enjoyment and getting a deeper understanding of the lore, it would be a great motivation to actually record it in this kind of way and share it. The idea is that I would also use something like the Lost Library mod to include books from previous games in the series as well.


I would love to hear what you all think of this idea, is it conceivable given the sheer amount of books in the game, would it be complicated to make, etc.


Thanks you in advance for every bit of feedback!

Edited by JLoSan
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Well, only a year old or so post. The problem with a first person book reading is that the book read mechanics is somewhat similar to lock picking screen. Admittedly I could be wrong, I've no intimate knowledge of how the system works exactly let alone having ever seen any code. It might possible to change book reading into something more like the crafting mechanics. By this what I mean is, the writing within the book would appear as UI text, with your character performing the reading animation next to it. When you want to read more of that book you would press the next page button, and that would activate the turning page animation. Obviously, this isn't first person and arguably takes you out of the game world more so than not. Hmm, perhaps when you read the book the text data can be grabbed and then placed onto a new book model? Apologies if this response sounds a little scatter brained, I'm a bit out of it.

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