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Strange CTD in Whiterun


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Hello there,


I recently got back into Skyrim with following Nordic's Mod Guide. Now I have played for a few hours and just exited Dragonsreach after speaking with the Jarl.


However, for some reason, my Game does a quiet CTD everytime I get near the Bannered Mare. I figured out that it may have to do with Danica Pure-Spring, because the CTD normally occurs when she gets into my FOV for a little bit. So I think it has to do with some NPC mod, but I just can't seem to find which one is causing the crash, especially because every other NPC seems to work fine. I've also tried to reinstall several mods from which I though that may be connected but it didn't help. Papyrus logs also don't show anything.


Maybe some of you might have an idea? :smile:


My Load Order:

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Here's the SKSE-Crashdump analysis:


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Thank you!

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Alright nevermind, I think I have found the error. Looks like it has been a problem with the position of "The Ordinary Women SSE" in the Load Order. I reinstalled the mod, which moved it to the bottom and now it seems to work properly... Strange because it was stated otherwise in the guide.

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The load order matters a lot, when you mess with it, it messes with your game. As I (or maybe LOOT for some very strange reason) rearranged XMPSSE and SkyUI, SKSE gave an ingame error and stopped working, FNIS stopped working as well and other stuff was doing strange things (Matter of Time didn't show up, MCM was empty and lots of other weird stuff happened). I don't know, what XMPSSE has in common with SkyUI, but simply moving those two across each other (loading SkyUI, then XMPSSE) solved the SKSE/FNIS issue.

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I didn't expect to get problems with it though, as I followed the guide which was designed with the load order in mind. Caught me a little off-guard there. :D I reported the issue to the author of the guide.

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  • 4 months later...

Thanks for this. I was experiencing a similar issue in Windhelm and noticed an NPC with a black face (turned out to be Silda the Unseen). Getting too close to her caused a CTD. Key lines in my dump file included:


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The source of my problem was mixed load orders and priorities between the mods Consistent Older People and The Ordinary Women. STPConsistentOlderPeopleSE.esp was being loaded earlier than The Ordinary Women.esp but otherwise consistent older people files were overwriting those of ordinary women. Once I aligned the orders in the left and right windows of MO2, Silda the Unseen didn't have a black face anymore, and the CTDs ceased.

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